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A Lot of Love

The Husband and I made a special trip to Monterey last week so I could spend the birthday money the Mama gave me for someting pretty to wear. I was hoping to find a new top or two in Macy's. No such luck. Nearly everything was made out of flimsy, slick-like fabric. It reminded me of polyester from the 1960s and 1970s. The few things that I did like were too expensive even at 50% off. For instance, I saw a bohemian (aka hippie) style tunic that was cute, but at the original price of $200+, no thank you. I checked out a couple of other women's apparel shops in the mall. Zilch.

About two hours later, I met the Husband at our meeting spot. We sat on a bench and enjoyed the warmth of the day for a long while before we headed back into Macy's to buy us some bed sheets. We found a package of 700 thread count sheets for half off, about $60. A great deal. The cashier made it even a better bargain by giving us an extra 10% from a newspaper advertisement. "Thank you," I said, "That's kind of you."

"I like deals, too," she said.

Our transaction was interrupted when the younger clerk beside her asked for help. She was new on the job and didn't know how to handle a grumpy customer's request. Our clerk resolved the problem easily, putting both the customer and novice clerk at ease. She turned back to us. "Thank you for your patience."

"No problem," the Husband and I said. It truly wasn't. I actually thought the other customer's transaction was interesting and wouldn't have minded following the clerk to the store's dock where she would fetch the appropriate item for the customer. The Husband told me later that he was surprised to hear there was a dock and would've liked to have seen it, too.

"You two have a lot of love," the clerk said, pointing her finger from me to the Husband. "I saw it immediately."

"We've been together for over 20 years," said the Husband.

"Thank you," I said. I didn't know what she meant, but I loved it. I was certainly glad that we drove to Monterey that day.

I'm hooking up with the warm-hearted Jenny Matlock's Warm Wednesday meme. Click here to check out other warm-hearted tales, as well as to join in if you like.


  1. linky is opened!

  2. “There is nothing more admirable than when two people who see eye

    to eye keep house as man and wife, confounding their enemies and

    delighting their friends.”
    Homer, The Odyssey

    1. Great quote, Cloudia. Ha! I just got why some people can't stand others being happy. Duh!

  3. What a sweet story!

  4. I know what she meant but your love for each other radiates through the pictures you take of one another. It is something special. This was a nice story and glad you found some nice sheets at least

    1. I'm glad that our relationship is not a love-hate one. I don't get those at all, especially when there are children involved. The sheets are very soft. I don't think we can go back to 250-thread count ones.

  5. She must have picked up on the way the two of you related to each other. That was definitely a hear warming moment.

    1. She may have seen and heard us calling to each other about this sheet and that sheet in the sheet department. lol

  6. I too see a lot of love between you two, Susie. Right here from your posts. The picture from the lunch bench is very pretty. All heart warming.
    BTW, to store people a 'dock' is a 'loading dock' where the trucks 'unload' merchandise for the store to sell. No boats, just the 'dock', the store, and the street.

    1. Thank you. The photo was from a previous trip to Monterey, but in our minds' eye we knew it was out there for us to see after we left the mall.
      I like to imagine the loading dock being a boat on dry land. That's so much more fun. The Husband was a warehouse manager once upon a time, so for him seeing loading docks is nostalgic. So, I think.

  7. Well that was a day well-spent but you didn't get your new outfit. A neat perk is that now you know how much your love shines forth for other's to see. Funny, I was just in Macys too, as I exchanged Christmas present pajamas. I got the same color/pattern but a larger size and my daughter-in-law will never know. I like roomy, baggy PJ's when I sleep. lol (Not that she'd probably ever see me in the pajamas.... haha)
    I hope you find some pretty article of clothing before that money burns a hole in your pocket.
    Money can get very "hot" you know. Hahaha
    Yes, I too, have always thought the meeting of you and the Husband was pre-written in STONE. (BIG huge tablets, like the ones the 10 commandments were writtin on).

    1. The other day I went fabric shopping and purchased a rayon print and 2 rayon solids that I'm going to piece together into a tunic. I still have money leftover for some cotton T's or Converse shoes. Maybe both, if I shop right.

      I like the image of the pre-written stones. If we ever have a big anniversary party, I'm going to have something like that on the table.

  8. I love how understanding you are of clerks and their transactions. I am the same way, and so is my family. It is kind of funny, but I have seen people get really upset over small delays at the cash register. I would also have been interested in seeing the loading dock.

    1. I have gotten short with clerks when a transaction is not going to my satisfaction. I usually apologize to clerks for my bitchiness, letting them know it's the store's policy and not them that I'm ticked off at.

  9. I used to be very impatient when I went shopping, but now it doesn't bother me when my sale is interrupted the way yours was. Life is just too short! I also agree with you about the fabrics these days! They all seem to be so cheap and flimsy. I will stick with my old-fashion classic style until something better comes along.

    1. Interruptions don't bother me, unless they're rude and unnecessary ones, such as the clerk answers a personal call that doesn't sound like an emergency.

      The other day I decided to sew something pretty, which reminded me how long ago when I was a kid, the Mama used to sew clothes for me because store stuff were either too high, not in my size, or just not the style either the Mama or I liked.

  10. That's a great Warm Heart story, Susie! Hope you found your two tops somewhere else? Used to shop at Macy's a lot, Have you ever tried Dress Barn? Anyways, have a happy weekend!

    1. Thanks, Jeanette. There are outlet stores in the next town. One of these days I'll head there and see what they have. I bought fabric to make myself a tunic with some of the money. That'll be fun.

  11. Mrs Widds and I had a similar experience xmas eve-ish. We needed some last minute supplies for the family get-together and hit our nearest supermarket. There was a person ahead of us with coupons and on-sale items and stuff that obviously wasn't scanning. The checkout woman who looked like she'd been on her feet all day dealt with everything professionally, as did the customer, but it was complex and time consuming exchange. I could see the checkout woman was getting stressed and we were the last in the queue.
    I said, "Hey love," in my best Aussie accent which I use when I'm about to say something that could blow up in my face. "We're not in a hurry. Take a few moments to breathe," and smiled my best-est and charming-est smile.
    She stopped and breathed and got a bit teary and the three of us chatted while she rang out stuff through.

    1. Good for you, Widders! That's the way to go. I do that at the bank teller window. If it's been or is hectic, I take advantage of looking old and take my time gathering my stuff to give the clerk a little respite.

  12. what a cool share! i am happy you had a great experience but sorry there were no cool tops for you to buy. I hate that! I often find those cute hippie chick tops in places like Boulder, Colorado where people like riding their bikes and acting mellow. A beautiful place to visit. Aoso in my neck of the woods, Manitou Springs near Colorado Springs has lots of those cool special shops with cool hippie stuff! You know I went to Rue21 a young chick store with my girls and bought some Bohemian type clothes, pants with huge legs like the 60's and bright and wild colors and prints. Lol! Made me revert to my youthful days. sigh......enjoy your weekend.

    1. We are the original bohemians, Anne. LOL. The other day I was thinking that it would be fun to wear granny dresses. If I look around the Mama's sewing stuff, I might find the pattern I used to make one a long time ago.

  13. What a nice compliment to you and your husband. We need more people out there exuding love all over the place! 💕

  14. Your picture is beautiful, but the story you told along with it is wonderful. You wrote in a way I was able to put myself right there waiting to “my” purchase. You certainly have a gift for the written words. Am so happy you commented on my blog. I have now added you to my blog list with the link. Happy Saturday. genie

    1. Thank you, Genie. I truly appreciate the feedback. :-)

  15. Lovely post


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