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Happy Birthday, Anne's Creator!

Did you see the Google doodle today?  It honors L.M. Montgomery, the author of the Anne of Green Gable series and many other books. Today is Ms. Montgomery's birthday. She would've been 141 years young. A baby compared to Methuselah.

Anne of Green Gables was one of the books that Mrs. Patterson, my fifth grade teacher, read to us after lunch to settle us down. It instantly became one of my favorite stories. I didn't want to be Anne, but I did want to be like her: imaginative, creative, kindhearted, mischievous, spunky, intelligent, open, and spiritual. I  learned to appreciate nature through Anne's adventures, as well as to recognize when I had met a kindred spirit.

I don't know much about L.M. Montgomery. Only today did I learn that L.M. stands for Lucy Maud. A nice solid friendly name. Reading this brief biography, I learned how Ms. Montgomery's life somewhat parallels Anne's life.

Going to Prince Edward Island is still one of the places I want to see.


  1. this is a proud age, 141!
    Herzlich Pippa

  2. Me too. Mrs Widds and I might make it there next year. If so I will send you a piece. :)

  3. I have never read her books or watched the TV show that Canada made. I don't know why I just never felt the want but maybe one day.

    1. I think you might enjoy the first two movies of the TV series starring Megan Follows. The actress caught the essence of Anne Shirley quite well. There were 4 movies in all, but the other 2 were not based on the books at all. Those last 2 movies are good ones, but I wish they had simply made them without saying they are Anne's life or if they said here's what Anne's life is in a parallel universe.


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