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My Alphabe Thursday theme: Places I've Been

Vegas as in Las Vegas. The fertile lowlands of a city that's in southern Nevada. Yes, fertile lowlands is the English translation of the Spanish plural las vegas. Hmmm, could that be why you can find quite a lot of golf courses is Vegas?

Some might say that the fertile lowlands refer to something other than terrain. But, I'm not going there.

I've been to Vegas four times. The first time was in 1975 when I went cross-country with a college friend. The Strip wasn't a big deal yet and Downtown Vegas was so-so, but then I was still 20 so what was the use of being there. The second time was another quick stop as the first, late dear Husband and I were driving back from our first big camping trip together. Again, yawwwwn. We had after all spent a week down in a canyon by the Colorado River.

In the late 1990s, the Husband and I spent a few days in Vegas and by then the Strip was a very big surreal deal. The photos are from that trip. We gambled our nickels away at the various casinos and shook our heads at the unbelievable sights, such as the Venice gondolas, the Eiffel Tower, the Pyramid, and the Brooklyn Bridge. The best stuff was off the Strip—the older part of Vegas, the Boulder Dam, and Mt. Charleston. My favorite souvenir was the library card from the Las Vegas Library.

About 8 years ago,  the Husband and I stopped overnight on our way to New Mexico. Nothing much to talk about other than we stayed at a hotel that catered to locals. I liked it because it was low-key and not so flashy. The hotel casino gobbled up my nickels just as well as the ones on the Strip had.

Next time, if there's a next time, I'll have to choose whether to play the slot machines or try out the fancy restaurants with my saved up nickles. All in all, I think it's fun to, as Elvis Presley sings, Viva, Viva, Las Vegas.

It's the letter V on Alphabe Thursday, a weekly meme hosted by the wonderful Jenny Matlock. To participate or to read other V posts, click here.


  1. I enjoyed your rumblings on Vegas and that little insight into the name as well.

    1. I'm glad you enjoyed the visit to Vegas today, Ruby. :-)

  2. I've never been to Vegas, but I've heard lots about it.

    1. Some people say it's Disneyland for adults. I don't know. I've yet to go to Disneyland. :-)

  3. Vegas is so much of everything! I enjoyed your photos.

  4. In 1977, I was visiting SF, my aunt told me to take a bus to LV, I didn't and I have never been, I don't like casinos, so I don't miss much.

    1. The bus ride to and from LV would've probably been the treat.

  5. We have also been to Las Vegas 4 times, and the first time was in 1971 where Elvis just performed ! But we didn't see him. Then we came back in the 80/90 when we started our trips through the States always 2 weeks and then we rested a week with my American aunt in Madison/Wisc. We always stopped there coming back or going to different places. Las Vegas hotels were so cheap !

    1. Every now and then I have a yen to play the slot machines. But, now that Facebook has slot games, I can get it out of my system without losing money. lol.

  6. Great shots of Vegas and wonderful post for V! love your tree hollow too!

    Happy Weekend to you,
    artmusedog and carol

  7. I'd like to go to Las Vegas, just once, to see one of the shows, just once.

    1. And once, you and the Missus ought to go then. That would be a fun RV trip.

  8. Vegas is a good getaway. I liked your story and you and our middle Rebekah are two of a kind, she would rather visit any library than anywhere. Hee Hee.! Beautiful photos.

    1. Thanks, Anne. There's nothing more assuring than a visit to a library in an unknown place. The Husband likes to, too. I'm so fortunate.

  9. I have never been. I heard there is so much to see and do there now that one doesn't even have to gamble...and I am not a gambler. I think it might be neat to see...just once

    1. You and widdershins, Birgit. I don't know if it's still there, but if it, I would like to visit the Liberace Museum. I wish I had gone to Debbie Reynolds Museum when I had the chance.

  10. lovely v words...

    las Vegas is cute.


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