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First Memory

Going on four-years-old is my estimation of how old I was. I could've even been a year younger because I was lying in bed in the parents' room rather than in the bedroom I shared with Older Brother. I couldn't sleep because my brain was on.  I thought my brain was like a television, except I had no dial to turn it off. So, I thought I could change the channel by imagining a scene at Ninong Pablo's house. Click. My brain was still on.


  1. Funny what our earliest recollections are. Mine is of my favourite booties I wore. They were like a shiny leather (probably pleather) and they wrapped my feet up to my ankle and they were a dark blue. I loved them. Might I add I love your drawing of this wonderful elephant

    1. That would be a cute drawing -- tiny you giggling at your shiny dark blue feet.

  2. I always enjoy your drawings.
    Some parents scramble to take a 2 yr. old to Disney World but the kid never remembers. Could we just lie and tell the kid he was taken to Disney when he was 2? Just wondering.

    1. LOL That's a thought, but could the parents live with the lie.

  3. Visiting from the A/Z road trip. I think I might have visited your blog during the challenge this year, but I'm making an effort to visit all that signed up for the road trip. Very nice drawing of the elephant for one so young! I think my earliest memory was using the quilt from one of our beds and using it as a bobsled down the stairs from second to first floor, something mom told us not to do, but of course we didnt' listen.


    1. Wow! That's brave, bobsledding down the stairs on a quilt. Bumpity-bumpity, bump.

      Uhm, Betty, would you change your mind about the elephant knowing that I drew it last year. :-)

  4. My earliest memory came when my baby brother was born. I remember waiting in the parking lot while dad went in to see mom. I was 21/2. I didn't make it around during the challenge but I am on the A to Z Road trip making my rounds. Hope to see you again

    1. Hi, Paula. I have a similar memory of sitting in the car with the Older Brother, while the Daddy went into the hospital to see the Mama and Baby Sister. As I wrote that, I wonder if it was around the same time as I was trying to shut off my brain. See you on the road trip.

  5. My earliest memory was from around the age of one when I was running in a park, and I fell down. I remember this quite vividly.

    1. That had to have been one amazing fall, Sweetbearies!


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