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Z is for a Zip! Zing! Zee! Party

Congratulations to all of us bloggers of the Blogging from A-to-Z April Challenge! We did it. Zzzzzzzooo-hoooooo!

So, for you, today, I'm cooking up a virtual feast as my final entry for my food theme. Enjoy!

• Lumpia (Filipino eggrolls. Of course! I can't throw a party without lumpia)
• Potstickers
• Inari Sushi (Deep-fried bean curd skins stuffed with rice, peas, and salmon
• Assorted fresh vegetables with onion dip

Main and Side Dishes
Kalua pork
• Grilled salmon
Pancit  (Filipino noodle dish)
• Stir-fry vegetable medley (onions, garlic, mushrooms, green beans, broccoli, zucchini, carrots, tiny corn, and water chestnuts)
• Kim chee
• Bamboo relish (The Mama's awesome, delicious, pickled spicy bamboo. Double yum!)
• Brown rice

• Apple Pie, Ollalieberry Pie, and Cherry Pie
• Suman (Coconut glutinous rice wrapped in banana leaves)
• Fresh watermelon and pineapple

• Local handcrafted beer
• Local wines
• Apple juice (locally produced, of course)
• Water

Click here to find other A to Z challenge participants.


  1. Yes, that good food, very tasty! beautiful photos! You invite me?

    1. Most definitely, Leovi. I would want you to take part in the feast. :-)

  2. Congratulations on finishing the challenge. Food looks yummy! Thanks from dropping by my blog!

  3. My mouth sure is watering. Congratulations on completing the challenge

    1. Good. :-) And, thank you! Congrats to you, too.

  4. I love, love, LOVE lumpia.

    Congratulations on reaching the end of the challenge. I'm not ready to party, though. I need a nap.

    1. Have as many pretend lumpia as you want from here, Trudy. No calories at all. :-)

      Another A to Z down for us both. Hurrah!

  5. What a Delicious Looking Feast!

    Thank you for the Alphabet Adventure!

    1. You're mighty welcome, Maggid. The first photo was the food I set out on the Husband's and my wedding day. It was a small party with a big blow-out reception later in the month.

  6. What a wonderfully scrumptous meal. I'd love it all, every morsel and bite. I think I'll have the beer. I used to love the tang of cold beer on a hot summer day but for some reason I stopped drinking. I guess it was the sugar but isn't all the sugar fermented in beer?

    I did enjoy the meal and thank you. Let me know when your neighbors are ready to sell. I still want to be your neighbor. Haha

    1. P.S. I'm a very easy neighbor. You can have all the wild parties you want and I won't complain. LOL

    2. There's a young couple in town that brews beer, which is among the best that I've ever drunk. You can taste their love and joy as you sip their craft.

      That would be fun living next to you, Manzi. The neighbors don't have much of a backyard but you can always come and sit under our trees. :-)

  7. Hmmmm....your the third blog I came to for the day so far and the other two also posted about food, and now after I had read your post here for a party of food, I am about to hop off my chair and go ravished everything in my kitchen! ha ha ha

    It has been a very long time since I had any lumpia one of my favorites.

    1. I haven't had lumpia in awhile, too. Lumpia and beer sounds good right now.

  8. Yum! Love lumpia!

    Thank you so much for participating in the A to Z Challenge! You rock! Congrats on getting to the letter Z! Reminder: there will be an A to Z Reflections round on May 4th. There will be a Linky for it on the main blog, so please look for it there! Please post your reflections on the challenge, visit others, and catch up on the blogs you didn't have time to read!

    Team Macha, Helping Co-Host Czenge
    Maui Jungalow

  9. I love pot stickers. Had some last might. And the pie and local handcrafted beers will work just fine!

    Stephen Tremp
    A to Z Co-host
    Z is for Zombie

  10. The feast looks so good. I want some :)

    1. Eating pretend food is so easy on the body. One of these days, though, this is the feast I shall make.

  11. Yum yum-great way to end the challenge

    1. :-) Wish there was a way we could actually do it in person.

  12. Susie,

    Congratulations on finishing the challenge. I know how much hard work is involved. A great achievement! I wish your feast was real and I could join your celebration (even though I didn't do the challenge!) I wonder if you have other things you can't wait to do, now that the A-Z is finished.

    1. Hi, Sue, I wish the feast was real, too, and we could all meet. Wouldn't that be fun. My goal continues onward for posting every day on the blog for 2015. There are other possibilities going through my head, but at this moment all I can really think of is do I really want to drive 15 miles to the next town for eggrolls. :-)

  13. What a wonderful month it has been ... and what a wonderful feast!! :)

  14. Congrats on finishing the challenge! The food looks delicious!

  15. Congratulations on wrapping up the Challenge in style--with a multi-course feast. My mouth is watering! I'm so happy to have discovered your blog and I will be returning to it. Love the archive posts you have been putting up since the A-to-Z Challenge ended.

    1. Hello Josna, I appreciate the kind words. See ya soon.


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