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O is for Overindulging

I must face it. I've gotten my body out of sorts. Again. I've gained back nearly all the weight I lost last year.  It took one year for me to lose 13 pounds and four months to gain 11 pounds. Sigh and Grrr. I'm not going to cry about it. Nor whine. Nor make excuses for myself. I know what I did. Since Christmas, I've been eating desserts nearly every day, drinking beer about once a week, and not pedaling Tilda-Hilda up a hill six days a week. Pure and simple. I admit it. I overindulged and got lazy. I did it to myself. Again.

This morning, I started paying attention to the wise woman inside me when we dropped the Husband's computer at the repair shop. The first thing I saw when I got out of the car was the doughnut shop two doors away. Just like Homer Simpson, my first reaction was to drool and say "Doughnuts, me want."

I did not go over to the doughnut shop.

As we were leaving the computer repair shop, about 20 minutes later, I thought, "Doughnuts, me want."

I got into the car without making a suggestion to the Husband.

So, good for me.

I'll be facing this decision-making process again at lunchtime when the Mama opens the bag of chocolate cookies for dessert.

One moment at a time. Last year, I went a full year. This time, I'm aiming for a lifetime. I know I can do it.

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  1. LOL "my first reaction was to drool and say "Doughnuts, me want." My teeth have been crowded and giving me problems, so I have to cut back on sugar and empty starches, meaning less wheat and less processed food and hardly any baked goods. It's been good for my weight. I wish I could eat dessert every night w/o any negative impacts!

    1. I was in fantasyland the past four months thinking that I could. Silly me.

  2. When I crave sweets I make banana nice cream. You puree up a tiny bit of bananas and some peanut butter or carob, and then put it in the freezer. I stir if every once and awhile, and after awhile it is like soft serve ice cream. I have retweaked my mind to prefer fruit over cake, and it works most of the time. I still make cake once and awhile, but ever since I stopped drinking soda last year I no longer crave it. I think maybe if once and awhile you make donuts like you talked about in your last blog, that is more tasty than the ones at the store. There was this one bakery up in the mountains that used to make wonderful donuts, and no shop I ever have been to can hold a candle to them. It makes me rethink wanting a donut.

    1. The banana and peanut butter concoction sounds tasty. I'll give it a try. Thanks.

  3. Sweets is so hard for me to pass up. I am hypoglycemic so I know better. I inherited the sweet tooth from my dad and wish I didn't but it just tastes sooooooo good. I know you will get back on your nice bike and get back into action!

    1. I appreciate the encouragement Birgit. I'm sure Tilda-Hilda will give me a darn good workout the next time we go out on a ride. :-)

  4. Oh my fur & whiskers! I wonder why our bodies can't go on autopilot . . like our breathing . . and simply stay fit . . . . AND - you deserve an award for ignoring the doughnuts . . (I KNOW they were calling you by name, those things are tricky.) love & love. -g-

    1. They were doing it to me again, as I was walking on treadmill. I ignored their call.

  5. I think it's highly unfair that we don't lose weight as quickly as we put it on!

  6. Susie,

    I'm trying to get through the Easter chocolate without leaving any evidence of the weighty kind. Whenever anyone offers me some chocolate I keep thinking, "I might as well have some because Easter only happens once a year and I won't be eating Easter eggs for much longer." I hope the chocolate runs out soon!

    What we need are some more Tilda-Hilda stories. More cycling would help you, and more stories about cycling would be very entertaining for me!


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