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H is for the Holy Trinity of Ingredients

If I could only have three ingredients in my pantry, they would be onions, garlic, and tomatoes. The onions could be yellow, red, or white, in that order of preference. The garlic could be bulbs or shoots. The tomatoes could be fresh, frozen, or canned.  Onions, garlic, and tomatoes are my holy trinity when it comes to making sautes, stir fries, soups, and stews. Casseroles, pastas, and rice dishes, too.

If I had to do without one of the holy trinity, I could go without the tomatoes.

Onions, garlic, and tomatoes. It's the way I learned to cook, which was by watching the Mama.

Smash the garlic with a smooth granite rock brought back from the beach, or with the side of the knife with a satisfying whack as demonstrated by Martin Yan on Yan Can Cook.  Cut the onion in half, then cut thin slices out of each half. Repeat with the tomatoes, except the slices don't have to be so skinny.

The above photo is pancit, a Filipino noodle dish made out of mung bean noodles. If you're interested in the recipe, click here. I used various vegetables in the recipe, but, without having done so, I think pancit can taste good with just onions, garlic, tomatoes, shrimp or sausage, and mung bean noodles.

I do know that scrambled eggs made with onion, garlic, and tomatoes is very yummy!  I plan on making that tonight, with bacon on the side, for our dinner.

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  1. Yes, that rich food, love ...! Thank you very much!

    1. Are you like me and feel as if you've tasted something that you think tastes as lovely as it looks? :-)

  2. Your Mama is a wise woman just like mine, since she also taught me the value of those 3 ingredients. That noodle dish looks delicious, and it's making me very hungry, since I haven't had breakfast yet. Blessings!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Living in Ecuador, I find we're using the same trilogy. This is the first time I've ever made soups from scratch and love it!!

    DB McNicol, author

    1. You must be having loads of fun. Hurrah for you!

  5. I can almost smell that delicious trinity. With those, anything yummy can be made!

    Thanks for commenting on my blog!

  6. My hubby would agree with you..and so do I. These 3 are a staple in our house as well. I will have to check out this recipe

    1. I did cook scrambled egg for dinner, using green onions and tomato paste. Different, but still yummy.

  7. I love all those ingredients. I am coming to your house for dinner :).

    1. Be sure to bring your art tools then for some drawing fun. :-)

  8. I took share yr Holy Trinity plus a little ginger. No need for anything else. The husband doesn't like too much spice.

    1. Fresh ginger! I love the taste, especially in chicken and bittermelon soup. Yummm.

  9. Mmm, now I'm hungry!

  10. Yep, all of them, and ginger too. We buy a big clump(?) of it every few months and freeze it. Makes it so much easier to grate, and as far as I can tell the freezing doesn't hurt the flavour at all.

  11. That's a great idea. I don't use ginger enough so it ends up rotting. I'll do that. Thanks for the tip.

  12. Oh my goodness. Now I'm hungry for Filipino food. I love pancit, and especially love lumpia.

  13. Oh my goodness I am SO with you. I'd pick those three as well. If I had to skip one it would be garlic. Tomato and onion I put in dang near everything.

    Anna @ herding cats & burning soup

  14. Yum. I think I'll go make myself some eggs with onions, garlic, and tomatoes right now...


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