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The Dude, The Husband -- A Reliable Guy

My Alphabe Thursday theme -- The Dude, The Husband
"I must take a photo of the lupine," I said to the Husband as I got off Tilda-Hilda, my trusty pink cruiser. "Have you seen it?"

The flower voluntarily chose to grow by the side of our driveway. It's the first lupine ever to grace our yard, so, of course, I had to record it.

I had a difficult time getting the right angle because of bright sunny day. I tried casting a shadow on the lupine, but when I bent over to take a photo, there went my shadow. Then, the Husband was suddenly by my side, admiring the purple beauty.

"Would you please put your shadow on it so I can take a photo?"

The Sweet Husband did.

I'm a fortunate woman, I am.

It's the letter R at Alphabe Thursday, hosted by Jenny Matlock. Please click here to read other posts by bloggers around the world.

Jenny Matlock


  1. The lupine is lovely. I'm happy your reliable husband was there to help you!

  2. Lovely shot! Of course, here in Texas we call it the Texas Bluebonnet!

    1. Thanks, Sarah Beth. I learned down below from Jim that the Lupine and Texas Bluebonnet are cousins.

  3. Ah, the lupine and the Texas Bluebonnet! I always thought those two were twins! A lovely shot and an extra reliable hubby! A good man , have a great weekend!

  4. How so creative you were to get your husband shadow so you could get a good picture, that flower is very pretty, love the color purple!

    1. It was by chance when I first bent over that I realized shade was what I needed. I'm grateful the Husband didn't walk in the house after putting his bike away.

  5. It's soooo pretty, Susie. I would have called it one of OUR Texas Bluebonnets also. But it can't be because you live in California So I asked "Yahoo answers" if there was a difference. They satisfied me with this answer:
    "Best Answer: The Texas Bluebonnet is Lupinus texensis, so it is a type of Lupine. The species is native to Texas. (There are actually several species of bluebonnet, but L. texensis is generally "the" Texas Bluebonnet) " which means yours probably is NOT a Texas Bluebonnet but rather it is another species of Lupines.
    Hope this helps, Dr. Jim

    1. Thanks, Dr. Jim. Now, I must go see a picture of a Texas Bluebonnet....Ah, I see how they can be mistaken for each other. The lupine is slender while the Texas Bluebonnet is fuller. I love learning something new. :-)

  6. Beautiful! It's a blessing to be married to a supportive spouse, like you and I are. Blessings, my friend!

  7. Wondered how you were going to work your husband into this your theme within the meme♪

  8. How sweet to have a photographer's assistant!

  9. You are blessed indeed ~ Lovely shot of the lupine and I am so ready for some lush green of nature ~ sooooooon!

    Happy Weekend to you,
    artmusedog and carol

    1. Soon, Carol, your spring will be here and the snow will be "what snow?"

  10. Excellent pic - excellent shadow!

  11. Very nice picture and you husband your true shadow, lol !

  12. Wonderful pictures, Exquisite flower !!

  13. Men come in handy for these things:) This flower is so pretty

  14. You ae very clever to ask for (and get) your husband's shadow!


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