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The Dude, the Husband -- Nature Guy

My Alphabe Thursday theme -- The Dude, The Husband

The Husband's and my first not-a-date nearly 20 years ago was a hike up a mountain. We learned a lot about each other as we climbed up and down the mountain that day. For one, we both watched Lawrence Welk as kids. He was, in fact, the first person of our generation to whom I ever admitted watching that show.

We've been on a lot of urban walks and wilderness hikes since that first not-a-date nearly 20 years ago. A traipse through a pine forest is the Husband's favorite kind of walk. Meandering among the trees clears his lungs and refreshes his soul.

The Husband also likes to walk along the beach. So, he's very willing to drive to my favorite beach where the ocean air clears my lungs and refreshes my soul.

Today is the letter N at Jenny Matlock's Alphabe Thursday. That's where I shall be checking out other N posts. Come join me by clicking here.

Jenny Matlock


  1. OK. This is super. I watched LW too! Wait for Myron Floren on his accordion and the Lennon Sisters.

    So nice to hear you're still hiking. And your reference to the date that wasn't really a REAL date was funny. How many couples have started out that way?!!!

    1. Remember the bubbly blonde bombshell Joanne Something playing ragtime on the upright piano? I loved her enthusiasm.

  2. Walking along the beach clears my mind like nothing else...

  3. And what might be your favorite beach that will clear your lungs and refresh your soul? We formerly lived (23 years in Galveston County ([TX]) a half hour from the beach but somehow walking it I never once thought about my lungs and not often about my soul. I would rather go there for an Oyster Poboy which would do wonders for my lungs and soul. :)

    1. Oh yes, I knew who Lawrence Welk was from seeing him on my grandfather's TV but I never watched. Besides, we didn't have TV all the sixteen years I was at home.

    2. Asilomar Beach in Pacific Grove, CA has lots of memories for me since I was a kid. A great Oyster Poboy does wonders for me, too. :-)

      Your like the Husband. They didn't have TV when he was a kid so the only time he watched it was when he stayed with his grandparents.

  4. how nice to have someone to traipse through nature with! {:-Deb

    1. I'm fortunate in finding someone who likes nature as much as me. :-)

  5. Love The Dude ~ Handsome devil ~ you are blessed ~ fun post and great pics!

    Happy Weekend to you,
    artmusedog and carol

  6. How wonderful to be able to take walks together. I love walking and use to do this with my Katie girl until I heard there was an attack in the place where I hiked. My hubby, who has ADHD and I, who must walk slow since I create scar tissue from walking and must walk slow, don't walk together because, according to my hubby "I walk too slow". Yes I could have killed him. I used to watch Lawrence Welk as my parents did. I loved watching Sissy and Bobby dance

    1. Until recently, the Husband and I would start off together and then he would take off. My pace was much slower, but that was okay because I liked walking by myself while knowing that he was in yelling distance should anything happen to me. Usually he'd bound to the end of the block, double back to me, and walk with me a little again. Since I lot a few pounds, and his pace has slowed down, I'm able to keep up with him.

    2. I prefer to walk on my own too and have been trying to convince my hubby to walk a little faster & that would be fine....we shall see how it goes:)

  7. Great perspective on the top shot♪

  8. Susie,

    Before we married my husband and I used to spend a lot of time walking together. We never had much money and walking was free. We still like going on bush walks, especially with our children. It's great to get outside, get some exercise and enjoy nature (and take lots of photos!).

    You and the Husband found out lots about each other on your first not-a-date? Oh yes, walking is a great time for conversation!

    1. We talked non-stop up and down the switchbacks and that was mountain was a tough one to climb. From day 1, he recharged my ability to imagine again.

  9. I can agree with much of the above!! Lots in common ... Even the walking pace; it is me who walks fast and other half less so ... infuriating! Nonetheless walking in the fresh air is a joy! thanks for sharing xxx

  10. After his retirement my dear husband doesn't move anymore I have to pull him out of the house and he had always hated walking, lol ! Nice pictures !

    1. hahaha. I'm glad you liked the photos, Gattina. :-)

  11. Nice picture, a wonderful place to stroll and admire nature!

    1. That's for sure, Leovi. Thanks for dropping by. :-)

  12. Ahh, all those negative ions! Clears the mind and the spirit. Yummm.

  13. A lovely post and nice tribute to someone you love dearly. I like hiking but the weather here has been wicked in the high country. Have a wonderful weekend.

  14. Great first date! You really can find out a lot about a person when out on a nature walk!

  15. My husband and I's first date was a long walk but not up a mountain. It's good to walk together and talk about everything.


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