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Remembering Dawn

Yesterday, I found an unfinished draft that I wrote about four years ago. It was about Dawn who I had not seen since the mid-1980s. About four years ago, I learned that Dawn had died, and she had been dead for 12 years. Only in her 40s, she died from pneumonia in London.

Gorgeous Dawn was one of the most sophisticated, yet down to earth, individuals I have ever met. She had a style that I could only describe as the beauty of Italian art, music, film, and food.  And, she had a light that caused both men and women to turn around and smile in appreciation.

Dawn was the sister of my brother's friend who fell in love with my best friend at the time, back in the early 1980s. So, I ended up hanging out with Dawn now and then. If we hadn't had this connection, I doubt that Dawn and I would have ever met, as we did not move around in any other of the same circles. She was the artist living in the North Beach of San Francisco, while I lived in the Richmond District, working three part-time jobs as I completed my training for a teaching credential.

I am grateful for having known Dawn. She had a wonderful wit and sense of humor, and her creativity and sense of adventure were inspiring. I recall the afternoon we were decorating my best friend's and my flat for a Halloween party.  Dawn was helping me put together some detailed decor on the wall. At one point, she turned to me and said, "Sue, you are so anal-retentive." We laughed. Being anal-retentive was a good thing, and she would have known. She was a budding fashion designer. 

A few years later, my best friend and I had a falling out. She didn't want to patch up our friendship, so I never did see Dawn after that. Over the years, I would wonder where Dawn was and how she was doing. One day, about four years ago, I decided to find her online. At first, I tried Facebook. Nothing. Then Google, and voila, up popped a link to her Web site of her photography work. Her work was -- and is -- outstanding. They reminded me of her, Dawn, the person I knew a lifetime ago.

Then, I came to the part in her biography about her death in 1999.  It did not matter that I hadn't seen Dawn in 26 years, nor that she had been dead for 12 years. It was as if it just happened.

Here's to the light of Dawn!


  1. A lovely tribute to your friend Dawn! Wishing you a happy week ahead!

  2. We don't think of someone young dying of pneumonia. You gave a wonderful tribute and shared loving memories

    1. Or, in this day and age. Sometimes I wonder if a person has a notion of their lifespan being short and so goes for the gusto.

  3. Nice memory! Dawn was very nice!

  4. I wanted to let you know that I found your blog from the A to Z challenge and started following you via email. I don't always click through to your posts, but I do always open the emails that of your posts that are sent and read them. From this blog and your other one. I love you pictures, they are beautiful and your stories are always fun to read. This year I've really been inspired by all the posts you've been putting up so far. I really didn't intend to comment today, but this post really touched close to home. Back in '99 I had a falling out with my best friend. We didn't speak for basically 8 years. Fortunately I not only was I able to find her on Facebook in 2008, but we were able to repair our friendship. I'm so sorry you weren't able to reconnect with your friend. (Even though there wasn't an actual falling out.)
    Anyway, I just wanted to say I really enjoy seeing your posts in my email every time I open it. They always bring a smile to my face and have been encouraging me to try to start posting more on my own blog again. Thanks for sharing all the wonderful posts and stories about your life!

    AimeeKay @
    AimeeKay's Reviews & Other Rondomness

  5. Hi, AimeeKay,
    I appreciate your comment very much. It gave me a big old smile and a lift to my fingers that tippy tappy on the keyboard. See, you got me writing light and airy. :-)

    I'm glad to hear you and your friend were able to get back together again. Very cool.

    Thanks for leaving your link. I shall come by and check out your blog. Until later. . .


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