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Liebster Award = Revealing A Bunch about Moi

Ah, the Liebster Award. In the best Jackie Gleason voice doing a Scarlett O'Hara imitation that I can muster, I say, "How sweet it is!"

Birgit of BB Creations,  who I met during the 2014 Blogging from A to Z Challenge, nominated me for the Liebster Award. It is a virtual medal that bloggers present fellow bloggers as recognition for the enjoyment they receive reading the awardees' posts. That's my interpretation of the award. If you're interested in learning more about the Liebster Award, check out this post by Lorraine Reguly at Wording Well.

Bloggers can choose to accept or reject the Liebster Award. I accept the award with much gratitude. Thank you very much, Birgit.

Like the Oscar and most other awards, a blogger can be nominated several times over. I've been fortunate to be nominated twice. Yaay for me. So much for modesty on my part today. :-)

The Rules for Accepting the Liebster Award

According to Reguly, the rules vary for the Liebster Award. These are the set of rules passed on with Birgit's nomination, which the anal-retentive editor inside me took the liberty of editing. Be sure to include these rules in your post. And, if you feel like revising further, go for it.
  • First and foremost, HAVE FUN!
  • Thank the blogger who nominated you and be sure to link back to his or her blog in your post.
  • List 11 facts about yourself.
  • Answer 11 questions by the person who nominated you.
  • Nominate 5 to 10 bloggers with less than 300 followers. You may not nominate the blogger who nominated you.
  • Make up 11 questions for your nominees to answer.
  • After you publish your post, go to your nominees' blogs and tell them they have been nominated.

11 Facts about Me

  1. In college, I changed my undergraduate study from social science to interdisciplinary liberal studies because I didn't want to do a senior paper.
  2. When I went back to school to get my teaching credential in social science, I had to do that required senior paper. Ha!
  3. I moved 11 times in the 23 years I lived in San Francisco from 1973 to 1996.
  4. Way back when, I came in last in the fun run around Angel Island in San Francisco Bay. I definitely earned my tee-shirt.
  5. I mix up left and right. A lot.
  6. I write another blog called Take 25 to Hollister
  7. After reading Jane Eyre for the first time a couple years ago, it went to the top of my books-that-I-like-to-re-read list, replacing Pride & Prejudice, which had been #1 for several decades.
  8. When I think someone is being condescending to me, or acts like I shouldn't be where he or she is, such as a shop or event, I remind myself that my books can be found in the Library of Congress, and most likely that person does not.
  9. The right lens of my eyeglasses has a long scratch, which I've been saying I'd replace for the past 3 or 4 years.
  10. I wear a pair of bright yellow Crocs with a Lilo charm inserted in one of the holes.
  11. I play much too much Pet Rescue Saga on Facebook.

The 11 Questions that Birgit of BB Creations Asked Me 

  1. What animal do you always visit at the zoo or watch on TV before any other? Why? 
    I like to visit the elephants. They're just darn tooting cute.
  2. What accomplishment are you most proud of?
    That I've been a self-employed writer for 28 years.
  3. If you won the lottery, what would you do?
    Pay off all our debts. Pay off the Mama's house. If it's a big winning, purchase a house with a couple acres so that there's lots of space between us and the neighbors. Otherwise, the Husband and I would travel, set money aside for a rainy day, and donate to certain charities.
  4. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you go? 
  5. Name 5 things you like about yourself?
    I roll with the punches. I'm not a high-maintenance person. I still have effective defensive driving skills. I hold my ground. I'm honest.
  6. What's your favourite holiday and why?
    I don't have any favorite holiday, unless I count my birthday.
  7. What is your favourite film? Your favourite actor/actress? 
    Can't think of just one movie. Among my favorites are Danny Deck Chair, Calamity Jane (with Doris Day), Groundhog Day, The Man Who Sued God, and Two Weeks Notice. Favorite actor/actress?  I like watching movies that feature Jodie Foster, Billy Connelly, Maggie Smith, Emma Thompson, Jack Black, Sandra Bullock, or Adam Sandler.
  8. Which movie or TV show do you wish was gone from your sight? 
    All those glum movies that feature a bleak, violent future.
  9. Which entertainer do you feel needs a good spanking and be sent to a farm to work?
    Lindsey Lohan. She is a very talented young woman.
  10. Who do you admire, living or dead?
    I admire my parents.
  11. What makes you smile?
    Molly the Cat and the Mama sleeping together on the couch in front of the TV.

My Nominees for the Liebster Award

  • Bit to Read:   Isa-Lee is an author and freelance writer who blogs about books and various topics that interest her.
  • Maui Jungalow:   Courtney lives in Maui (lucky woman!) and gives readers a local view of living in one of the most beautiful places on Earth.
  • Net on the Net:  Jeanette is from Michigan and writes about her job, home, family, and anything and everything that she feels like. 
  • Sue Elvis Writes: Sue hails from Australia, homeschools her kids, and writes about life with  energy, love, humor, and matter-of-factness.
  • Sweetbearies Art Projects:  Julia writes about art and her various art projects, generously providing videos or illustrated steps on how she does certain techniques.
  • The Trans-Gentle Wife:   Lucy describes herself as "An ordinary wife in an extraordinary marriage." I think she is quite an extraordinary person.
  • Widdershins Worlds: A resident of Canada, Widdershins, an author of science fiction, fantasy, and lesbian fiction, writes about writing and life in general. 
  • Yeakley/Jones Family: Ann maintains three blogs; this one, which she linked up to the A to Z challenge, is about genealogy and the stories of her past and present family members.

11 Questions for the Nominees

  1. What was the last thing that made you laugh?
  2. What's one thing that irks you?
  3. About how long do you think can you stand on one foot?
  4. Time yourself. How long did you actually stand on one foot?
  5. What would you want for your last meal?
  6. What's something that you would not regret about having missed doing?
  7. What's one thing that scares you, but you do it anyway? 
  8. What's something fun that you would like to do right now?
  9. Would you rather be an eagle, crow, or parakeet?
  10. If you could be a sitcom character, who would you be?
  11. Who rules -- Jane Eyre, Elizabeth Bennett, or Jo March?
I like these questions so much, I shall answer them, too, but on another post some other day. I think you've had enough about me for now.


  1. Susie,

    Congratulations on your award!

    I enjoyed finding out more about you, You've been a self-employed writer for 28 years? Oh yes! That's indeed something to be proud of!

    Thank you so much for nominating me for the award. I like your questions. Already answers are swirling around my head. I just have to go write them down. I will enjoy doing that. Thank you!

  2. This was a fun read and I LOVE your drawing-Carol Burnett Eat your heart out. Jimmy Stewart's favourite animal was the elephant. Thank you for accepting the award and having fun with it:)

    1. I definitely enjoyed putting together the post. Thanks again, Birgit. :-)

  3. Sorry for the delay in responding. I have been away from the computer. This looks like a cool thing to participate in. I want to play!

    1. Great! Looking forward to reading your acceptance post. :-)

  4. Thanks for including me, Susieee. I'll get right on it and post in a couple'a days.

    Doris Day singing 'Once I had a Secret Love' ... *swoons*

    1. Sweet! My favorite song was the one Calamity Jane did in the bar. Loved how Doris Day jumped up and down that bar like it was nothing. I read that they did that song in one take. Me thinks it's time to see the movie soon.


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