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The Ocean

One of my favorite places to go to is the ocean. Notice I didn't say beach. I like the beach, but I don't necessarily have to be walking or laying on one. I'm happy to be standing on top of a cliff overlooking the ocean. And, when I can swim in ocean that's warm as bath water, whoooo-weeee! That to me is heaven.

All my life, I have lived within a 40-minute drive away from the Pacific Ocean. At one time, I was just 10 blocks away when I was living in San Francisco. Oh, and how can I forget the apartment where the ocean was just a short walk down the hill. Although, the Husband will say that was a bay and not the ocean. But, a bay is part of an ocean, right?

I had to search deep into my computer files to find a photo for today's post. You know what that means? The Mama would say, "Mapan tayo idiay baybay!" Let's go to the ocean!

What's one of your favorite places to go to?
I'm participating in the Blogging from A to Z Challenge this month. To check out other participants, click here. See you tomorrow.   


  1. I absolutely agree, I am far more of an ocean lover than a beach goer (If that is even a word ) ....#AtoZchallenge ☮Peace ☮ ღ ONE ℒℴνℯ ღ ☼ Light ☼ visiting from

  2. San Francisco, oh how i miss it.
    I have a lot of favorite places - The Botanical Garden, my back yard, the Library . . . and, I am going to count visiting Your Blog, too - I am always lifted when i visit . . Thank You!!!

    1. I miss SF from time to time, especially when I want to eat out and visit a bookstore. It's only a 2.5 hr. drive away, but neither the Husband and I like driving the freeways anymore. Not an excuse, I know. :-)

  3. I couldn't agree more. We take up pups down the eastern seaboard and rent a pet friendly house just so they can run along the ocean. I love it... and so do they! Thanks for the great post. :)

  4. I think you need to go to the ocean again. I love the Alps. It is not just the Rockies or other mountains but the Alps. I feel at home there. Funny as I am terrified of heights

    1. I've visited the Italian Prealps, near Aviano. They are amazingly beautiful. The air was so crisp. Definitely different from the Rockies and the Sierra Nevadas.

  5. I love the view of the ocean in this photograph above.

    1. Isn't it beautiful. This is overlooking Monterey Bay from the north, just below Santa Cruz.

  6. Absolutely beautiful! I can see how this is one of your favorite places! I too love the ocean (and now I'm kicking myself for not doing a post on the ocean instead of the one I did!) :)

    My favorite place will be my "R" post--the "Rivah". It's a place I've been going my whole life, creating memories, and now my kids get to create their own memories there. It's on the Chesapeake Bay, and I agree with you...A bay is the ocean, for sure! :)

    1. After reading this post, the Husband mumbled that okay the bay is the ocean. But, I think he shuddered saying it. LOL

  7. I like small quiet lakes where one can sit by the water and listen to the song birds. I've discovered that people either love or don't love oceans. I belong to the latter. So why did I live on the edge of the dunes for 25 years????? My husband spoke and he loved the ocean. I find oceans noisey and annoying. I think it has something to do with where one grew up and I grew up on a small lake. But I understand your love affair with the ocean. My husband had it too.

    1. Once upon a time, I lived right next to a freeway. To deal with the constant noise, I pretended that I was listening to the ocean waves. LOL

  8. So lucky to live so close to the ocean! I live close to the Great Lakes which are almost (but not quite) like the ocean!!

    1. I've seen the lake on which Chicago sits on. Can't remember the name of the lake right now. I was shocked at how vast and endless looking it was.

  9. We are an hour away from the beach (notice I said beach) because that's where we put our stuff while we play in the waves. I love the ocean and love that we have our choice of all the beaches in Southern California. Last week, we were in Long Beach and the boy is at Sea World in San Diego today. There is just something about the ocean that is impossible to resist.

    1. When I was younger I could run into the waves and splash around in Monterey and Santa Cruz. Not anymore. Tooo cold for me. Ah, but, put me in Hawaii. If I lived there, I'd swim nearly every day. :-)

  10. Thanks for visiting my blog. :) I love this ocean picture! So beautiful! I love the ocean too. :)

    Speaking of watermarks, I never thought about putting my web address on the photo too! I might have to borrow that brilliant idea. :D

    1. Some people may say me putting the web address, too, is overkill, but I'd rather make sure that it's quite evident I own my photos to those who lift others' work without asking.

  11. My favorite place to visit is the sound at the Outer Banks. The water seems colder out there than it does at Carolina or Myrtle Beach, but you can go really far out and the water come up no higher than your waist, usually lower than that. It's better than a swimming pool!

    1. Oooh, you've got me wishing that I could go swimming right now. I'll even take a swimming pool. Unfortunately, there's not a public one in town.


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