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Impulse Buying

I don't know what got into me.

The Husband and I went to the supermarket yesterday afternoon to purchase fixings for split-pea soup for dinner. That meant grab a slice of ham from the meat department and fill a bag with about 2 pounds of split peas from the bin in the produce section.

But, then we walked by the fish display. Wild, but previously frozen, Rex sole was on sale for $4.99 per pound. Neither of us ever had it before. Its name intrigued me. About a pound, please, sweet butcher lady.

Then I saw the squid. Ooooh. And, the octopus. Double ooooooh. The squid would be a treat for the Mama and for me. The octopus, too, if cooked correctly so it wasn't all rubbery. The Husband doesn't care for either, but he can have 2 pieces of the Rex sole. So, I asked for about a half pound of the squid and a quarter pound of the octopus.

As the butcher lady wrapped the items, I spied the locally made sausages. I turned to the Husband. "Shall we get some sausage?"

"I like those sausages," he replied. I asked for two calabrese sausages, which to my surprise was just over half a pound.

Rex sole, squid, octopus, and calabrese sausage. So many possibilities to create!


  1. How do you cook your split pea soup? I've been eating it recently and it takes forever to cook so I soak the peas overnight, grind them in a high speed blender and then cook. My health provider told me to eat split peas 3 times a week.

    1. What's the goodness in the split peas that you need to eat them 3 times a week?

      This was a very delicious batch. All in all, it took about 65-70 minutes for the peas to "melt" on their own, but I let the pot continue simmering on very low for about another 10 minutes. For this batch, I sauteed leeks, carrots, turnips, garlic, and sweet peppers, next added the split peas (probably about 1 1/4 pound), stirred, then covered it all with a combo of chicken broth and water. Few minutes later, I added cut up pieces of smoked ham. Also added generous shakes of a dried herb concoction that Costco sells. When the pot came to the first sign of a boil, I turned down the heat to simmer.

      Maybe 15 to 20 minutes later (when I could smell the concoction), I stirred the pot and added just enough water to make sure the peas wouldn't suck all the liquid out and start burning.

      Except for a few pieces of carrot and ham, everything had "melted" and blended while they shimmied and shayed as they cooked.

  2. Mmmmmm pea-n-ham soup !Mmmm to all the other stuff too. Perfect winter noshings :D

    1. I make soup after soup until I hear one of the crew mumble, "Soup. Again." And, then I make 'em stew!

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