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Spring! Spring! Spring!

A glorious first day of Spring to you, dear Readers. It's overcast with the hope of more rain, rather than just sprinkles, in my neck of the woods today. Having a nice steady, but gentle on the fruit blossoms, beat of rain would be perfect for right now.

Yesterday, the Mama sowed her bittermelon seeds in a pot. That means the time for the Husband and me to start preparing the Mama's veggie garden plots is very, very near. If the Mama still had her strength and endurance, everything would've been done a few weeks ago. That's okay though. She has been distracted with transplanting different flowers from elsewhere in her back and front yards to the one particular patch of ground that you see in the photo below.

"I want all flowers here," she said."Lots of flowers."

It's gonna look amazing.


  1. Spring has sprung, a leak.

    Just today I've witnessed bright sunshine, fog, snow, more sunshine, hail, a torrential downpour that flooded the front yard, sun again, and a slow drizzle to close out the evening ... yep, it's definitely spring!

    1. Your description reminds me of the Shirley Temple movie in which she has a rain slicker on and holds up an umbrellas as she sings and dances with glee. I'd like more of your weather down here.


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