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The 2011 TBR Pile Challenge


The 2011 TBR (to be read) Pile Challenge is one of several reading challenges I will join this year. This challenge is hosted by the Roof Beam Reader aka Adam who says that he is "one of the 5% minority - a male book blogger!"

The goal of this challenge, according to the Roof Beam Reader, is "to finally read 12 books from your 'to be read' pile, within 12 months." All 12 books that a participant reads must have been on her shelf for at least one year. Tomorrow is the deadline for signing up, which involves listing the 12 titles to be read and, if desired, two alternate titles in case one can't stand reading one or two books on her list. To learn more about the TBR Pile Challenge, click here.

Here are my 12 titles in ABC order, with publication dates for the Roof Beam Reader. Sink or swim, I'm reading them, so no alternates for me. Will I regret that? We shall see.
Around the World with a King by William N. Armstrong (1995)
Six Months in the Sandwich Islands by Isabella L. Bird (1998)
Size 14 is Not Fat Either by Meg Cabot (2008)
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo by Stieg Larsson (English translation 2008)
Under the Tuscan Sun by Frances Mayes (1996)
Cape Perdido by Marcia Muller (2005)
The Audacity of Hope by Barack Obama (2006)
Nightcrawlers by Bill Pronzini (2005)
America and Americans by John Steinbeck (1968)
The Clovis Incident by Pari Noskin Taichert (2004)
Roughing It by Mark Twain (1962)
Behold the Many by Lois-Ann Yamanaka (2006)


  1. Thanks for taking the challenge with me! You've got an interesting and varied list, here. I'm very excited to read your reviews.

    I'll be reading The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo for my "Books-in-a-Series Completion Challenge," so I will definitely be watching for your review to compare. I've also had The Audacity of Hope, Under the Tuscan Sun, and Roughing It on my list for a while - great choices!

  2. Just checking-in on your progress for the 2011 TBR Pile Challenge - how are things going so far?! Don't forget to link your reviews to your master list. :)

    Also... BIG Giveaways are happening next week, and TBR Pile Challenge participants earn extra entries for linking to their lists, so be sure to visit my Giveaways section soon! ;)


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