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Mid-morning in My Hometown

For more sky views from other places around the world, click on:

And, if you're interested in learning more about my hometown, click over to Take 25 to Hollister.


  1. Beautiful SkyWatch posting!
    thank you for sharing this beautiful photo work

    Happy SWF! Have a good weekend,

    Regards, Bram

    My SkyWatch on WordPress

    Seen on Sky Watch Friday, Season 4, Episode 18

  2. that is a sweet view of the sky and so nicely framed too, have a great weekend

  3. I love how this is composed. Very nice!

  4. Hi Su-sieee! Thanks for stopping by my PhotoBlog and commenting on the Up Over My Head clothes pens. I hang out laundry all year long here in Texas, and love the fresh smell of the sheets and breeze blown clothes! We always hung out clothes growing up, so like you it reminds me of my Mother...besides it sure saves on electricity!

  5. More neat clouds. You seem to always have those roung fluffy clouds. Lately ours are those long streaky looking ones. Not pretty at all. Ours must be the cold weather clouds because it sure ain't warm.

  6. love how you framed the sky. great shot.

  7. Bram, thank you. :-)

    Nisha, thank you, too. :-)

    Pearl Maple, thanks. "Sweet" is the perfect description of the sky. I was sitting on some steps across the way, and there was the sky peeking at me and saying, "Hey, click me."

    Collectin Texas Gal, He-ey! The mama is still waiting for us to put a clothesline back up. It's only been, uhm, 7 years.

    Manzi, until 3 or 4 years ago, we didn't have clouds like these. I'm thinking they followed us when we came home from a New Mexico road trip. I kept oohing about the clouds there.

    Luna Miranda, thank you. :-)

    Jenn, you said it!

  8. i can honestly say i've never been to holister, although san juan bautista is one of my favorite missions in the central valley, looks like a place that hasn't changed that much in time and thats a great thing :)

  9. Great shot, I love how you lined up the hole in the clouds with the framing of the trees.

  10. Hi,
    mi piace l'effetto della foto-rubata del cielo tra gli alberi.
    Buona domenica :)

  11. Noel, San Juan Bautista does seem timeless, I agree. I wouldn't mind living there.

    Al, thank you.:-)

    Rosa, grazie. :-)

  12. Wonderful, clear colors! Great shot.

  13. Thank you, Johnny Nutcase and bettyl! :-)


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