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PhotoHunt: Orange


I went looking for orange in the sky. Kinda found it with my camera (back in June). Definitely found it when I edited the photo in Photoshop. What I want to know is which image represents the colors in the sky at the moment—the photo untouched or one of the edited versions?  What do you think?

To check out other Photo Hunters' interpretation of the theme, click over to the site of our host, TNChick.

The original print.

How it looked when I clicked auto color in Photoshop.

How it looked when I clicked auto levels.


  1. Love them all, the last one best. :)

    Happy hunting!

    My bits of orange.

  2. lovely orange clouds...i have an orange sky, too.:p

  3. There was nothing wrong with the original photo, but the second one really makes the color pop. The last one is very striking, but doesn't look very realistic to me. Interesting to see how photoshop can alter "reality"

  4. By the last shot its starting to appear like something's about to drop down from the heavens! eek!

  5. Really like the "auto levels" look. Hmmm... maybe I should consider Photo Shopping my pics. But, then again, I like the au naturale look for my shots too much... ;b

  6. aloha,

    beautiful sky and orange colors, i love it

  7. auto levels looks like it might be an underwater shot

  8. all beautiful! thanks for the visit! :)

  9. I have a really old version of Photoshop. I don't even know where to find auto color or auto levels.

    Makes for some great images, regardless.

  10. I like the one in the middle the best.

  11. Hi, one and all! Thanks for stopping by. I've enjoyed each one of your visits. :-)

    Liz: The last one makes me think of paintings with cherubs looking lovingly at who are the central figures in them.

    Luna Miranda, thank you. I was fortunate to be out and about at the moment.

    Healingmagichands, I wonder whether the last one actually is what the sky looks like, without the filter of smog. :-)

    chaoticallyme: You said it! Hopefully only good stuff would be dropping out.

    And Miles to go, thank you. :-)

    YTSL, yep. :-)

    noel, thank you kindly.

    widdershins, hmmmm...I took another look. This time it brought to mind the painted skies of the Venetian casino in Las Vegas. LOL.

    Ipanema, thank you.

    Alice Audrey, thanks. I have version 8, published in 2003. In this version, the auto levels are found under adjustments in the image menu.

    hi-chick, thanks!

  12. How long did you hang around to wait for the change?

  13. Lovely colors! the colors of sunset/sunrise changes very fast,within minutes.

  14. Man, love the auto levels! The depth is amazing!!

  15. The first picture is obviously very washed out. Cameras and our own eyes don't always pick up all the colors of mother nature.

    The auto levels print is awesome! I love the blues in the sky and the way the oranges contrast off it! I'm liking the last one best!

  16. Ann, I just happened to be out in the evening and lucked out by having my camera ready when I saw the sky changing.

    Jama, thank you.

    Nan, I can't help wondering if that's really how it looks up there.

    ryoko861, for a long while I stopped taking photos because what I saw never translated into what I shot. I'm just being less hard on myself. :-)

  17. The orange color cloud is looking fantastic.Your photoshop work is great.


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