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F is for Franchise

Not KFC. 

Not Starbucks nor 24 Hour Fitness Center.

Franchise, as in the right to vote. 

Take advantage of your right as a U.S. citizen. 

Tuesday, November 2, 2010.

Just saying. 

Today being Thursday means I'm playing in Alphabe-Thursday, a meme hosted by Jenny Matlock at Off On My Tangent. Click here to check what other F's are out there in the virtual world today.  Absolutely, after you watch and listen to the Beatles. Of course. 


  1. absolutely right to remind people to vote, some people just don't realise how important it is. And to be honest - I didn't know you (in the US) were voting again

  2. But... was it "all right"?

    Regardless, I'm definitely voting this year.

  3. Yeah baby! Be engaged. Help shape your world.

  4. I most definitely am voting! I am also snatching my son out of bed on his day off to vote!!

  5. I am often surprised at the amount of voter apathy in both canada and the usa ... we have this amazing right to vote and people dont use it ... it's such a shame...

  6. Thanks for putting that Beatles on. Don't they look young? Well, I guess they were!!!

  7. Thanks, everyone for the positive comments. I'm glad to hear you're all going to have fun on Tuesday voting for your candidates.

    marisworld, we have a national election every 2 years. In 2008 was our presidential election. This year, we're voting for our House and Senate reps. Many of us have state and local elections this year, too.

    Jo, you're so right. I don't get it myself, why people won't vote. The argument about my vote not counting is so lame.

    Manzi, they're forever frozen in my brain as being that young. I saw Paul and Ringo on a Larry King show the other night. They still looked like young to me. But then we're young, too. :-)

  8. VOTE--of course! I want to be enfranchised!
    Love the Fab Four!

  9. In Belgium you have to vote otherwise you are fined ! I think that is not a good idea either because people who don't want to vote will probably put something stupid and this can be dangerous too.

  10. Splendid Little Stars, right on!

    Gattina,I think that also characterizes some voters who go willingly to the polls. That could be me, depending on some people. :-)

  11. This was a clever link for Alphabe-Thursday's letter "F".

    My husband and I always do absentee voting. It gives us time to really go over the issues and not get tricked up by the way things are worded when we are trying to vote with a line waiting.

    I think we all need to do our civic duty, even when it seems our voices are rarely heard.

    Thanks for a great stop this week.



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