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"A Case for Smiles"

See that mess of fabric on the right.

I'm almost finally going to turn them into some things. Operative word here is almost. A couple hours ago I ordered more fabric from Sew, Mama, Sew!  Almost 8 yards worth of different happy, calming designs with such names as Good Earth,  Daisy Dance,  Carnations on Gold, and Poppy Parade Brown.  So, once my shipment comes in, I shall drop everything and sew pillowcases.

Pillow cases?

Yes, pillow cases.

I'm going to get off my butt and sew at least seven pillowcases for "A Case for Smiles," a fabulous project sponsored by ConKerr Cancer.  Based in Philadelphia, the nonprofit group delivers donated handmade pillowcases to terminally ill children in hospitals across the United States. The founder is Cindy Kerr who started making pillowcases for her son and other children in the oncology unit in 2002 to help bring smiles to the kids as well as brighten their hospital rooms.

According to the ConKerr Cancer Web site, the organization has delivered over 240,000 pillowcases to hospitalized children, which were sewn by volunteers from North America and South Africa. It hopes to give every seriously ill child a cheery pillowcase by 2012.

The project is ongoing. For more details, head over to the ConKerr Cancer Web site. For the month of September, you can participate in this project in a couple of other ways.
  • September is Pediatric Cancer Awareness Month. Between September 13 and 19, ConKerr Cancer chapters will be holding events for sewing pillowcases. For more info, check out this link.
  • For its Project 9, Craft Hope has been collecting and distributing pillowcases for ConKerr Cancer. The group started the project in July. Its project deadline is soon approaching—September 15.  For more details about this project, head over to this page at Craft Hope.
I hope some of you will join me in the cause. Believe me when I say I'm not a sewing expert. But, I can sew straight seams good enough. Really that's all the skill you need. Your big heart will supply the rest to create lovely pillowcases. 

I'm stoked now. I'm ready to pedal away at the Mama's sewing machine.

P.S. To spread the word about "A Case from Smiles," I'm being shameless today. I'm linking up at these following Friday blog hops.


  1. I am your newest follower. Hope you can follow back! I Am trying to reach my goal of 1000 followers by my birthday, 9/25! Happy Friday!

  2. I saw your comment on my page.. omg, is that a singer machine? my grandma had a singer w/ a knee pedal...wish i had it.. my bro inherited it and after he was killed my 'lovely' sil has it... I see u write books- the subject u write about is intriguing.

  3. Hi! New hop follower here. Looking forward to having you follow me too. I'm so happy to have found your blog and this post about making the pillowcases for such an incredible cause. There's even a hospital and drop off spot near me. Thank you so much! I'll be sewing pillowcases too.


  4. I am your newest follower. I hope you can follow back at
    God Bless,

  5. Thanks for stopping by and following my blog. I am now following you.sounes

  6. Hello and welcome, first-time visitors. Thank you all for following This & That. I'm honored.

    Kalei: Yes, that's a Singer. It's the only kind of sewing machine I can handle. Just need to give it a good cleaning.

    Maureen: Great!

  7. Hi..Following from bloghop...would love to have you follow back!
    Please feel free to enter my $35 CSN Gift Certificate Giveaway.

  8. Thanks for your visit and comment. I've sure enjoyed my visit here.


  9. What a great idea! That is a friday's favorite for sure.

  10. Hi there, I'm your newest follower via Boost your blog Friday.

    Looking forward to reading more from you.

    Marie (hope you'll come by for a visit sometime, I love new followers.)
    The Things We Find Inside

  11. Su-siee
    I'll see if this does it. When I went in, it said links disabled..... could be it.
    Hoooooo ray..... for your website. You are one Techie hootchi kootcho mama

    I used to have a Singer just like this. It ran so well I wish i still had it. But I can't see to thread a needle anyore, (without a huge magnifier) so my sewing days are over. But my dancing and singing days are not!!!!!!

  12. Hey, funfunfun, Kat, and Marie, I appreciate the stop over. FFF and Marie, will head on over to your s

    Sandi, thank you.

    Manzanita, glad you got it working for you again. I have no idea what is meant by "links disabled.".... I love the Mama's Singer big time. Will not ever get rid of it, but I should learn how to maintain it.

  13. i have the craziest pillow case with weird elephants and tigers and polka dots. i love it! in high school, i went on a weekend retreat where the counselors announced that the wackiest pillowcase gets an award. i won, easily.
    yeah, still have that pillow case:)
    have fun!

  14. Thank you so much for stopping by my blog and commenting on my post about movies(Gone With the Wind). I'm always happy to meet new blog friends.

    The pillow case project is a great idea. I never would have thought of it, but I can see how it would make a difference. Happy sewing!

    I'm also signing up to become your newest follower. Looking forward to getting to know you better :) Kathy

  15. You have a great blog!! I am really enjoying looking around. Thanks for sharing!! I am now a new follower!! Nicole @ BTW I found you on a blog hop!


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