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The Mama's Garden of Joy!

For this Wordless Wednesday and Outdoor Wednesday, I give you a look at the Mama's garden.

This is how the mama's garden looked in April of this year.

The mama's garden as of last week.
Can you see her at work?

The mama gave her first gourd of the season  to her friend.

The mama chops the banana plants back every winter.
By summer they are in full bloom again.

The Mama's sunflowers had to be over 12 feet tall,
three times taller than her.

Today, we celebrate the mama's first day of
starting another trip around the sun.


  1. Great transformation, thanks for sharing.

  2. Just goes to show that you're never too old to garden and that old gardeners are often the very best ones!

  3. Lovely, lovely journey through Mama's garden... and it sounds like a happy birthday is in order for Mama. :-)

  4. What a stunning transformation! I really wish I had the patience and the time to grow such a beautiful garden.

  5. Mother Nature is amazing and what an amazing green thumb to help create such wonders. Beautiful Banana Trees.

  6. What a nice transformation in just 4 months... And I love the beautiful sunflower.

  7. oh that my garden looked like that...
    and Happy Birthday!

  8. what a beautiful garden! twelve foot sunflowers?? happy birthday to mama. the garden looks like a magical place.

  9. That is some garden! You certainly put a little space to a lot of use.

  10. What a beautiful garden you have! I'm jealous =)

  11. Hello, One and All! Thanks for dropping by and leaving your comments about the mama's garden and best wishes on her birthday. She will most definitely appreciate them. :-)

  12. Hope she had a happy birthday! The garden is great. That takes a lot of work! I only tried tomatos and cucumbers this year and basically...failed.


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