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An Early Evening Sky

The other evening I saw these clouds from the backyard. Interesting formation, isn't it?

It kinda looks like a snail. It also looks like the shape of a Valentine's heart coming together.

What do you see?


  1. I see a heart with an arrow at the bottom-too fun!

  2. oh yes, i definitely saw a heart. must be the romantic in me...

    glad you liked the idea of using your books like that! i figure, why not?

  3. You are two heart-felt women. :-) Thanks for stopping by.

  4. Awesome Photo!

    Thanks for joining in the Fun FF40+

    I'm now a Follower of your blog :)

    ~ Jill

  5. i see the snail, too. it looks like the clouds came together just for you. seriously. it's happened for me. it's happened to anyone who watches the sky. those clouds were showcasing themselves fer you, dear:)

  6. Ed,when I saw those clouds that night I wondered if anyone else saw them. I like thinking that showcased themselves for me. :-) I'm glad to see you. That must mean you've giving yourself a bit of a break away from your patch. Good for you.


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Thanks for the good cheer. :-)

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