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Recipes to Try

Today, I read a recipe for sunflower cupcakes by Megan Berry at her blog, Fowl Single File, that had me drooling. Her cupcakes are not made of sunflowers, but I'm sure you could probably add sunflower seeds or sprouts to the batter. They are chocolate cupcakes with yellow cream cheese icing edged around an Oreo cookie middle. Yummm. They look like sunflowers. See for yourself!  Be sure to come back and finishing reading here. Click.

Did you notice that she used a pastry bag to get the sunflower look? I've never used one, even though I have one, because I feel kind of scared about using it.  But, those cupcakes look so tasty, I'm now willing to conquer the fear. 

No scaredy cat me!

That, in turn, got me thinking about recipes I've bookmarked from food/craft blogs that I like to read, but haven't tried making for one reason or another, including being lazy.

Not anymore.

Before the beginning of winter, I will have made the sunflower cupcakes and these recipes. I don't guarantee that I will follow them exactly, but I shall have made them. Stay tuned.
How about you, dear readers? Are there recipes or crafts you've been wanting to attempt, books to read, stories to write, or whatever else, but for some reason haven't yet? What might inspire you to just do it?


    1. okay, i don't cook or bake as much as i'd like to (someday...someday...) but sunflower cupcakes just sound absolutely delicious. what a tempting title.

    2. C'mon Rebecca.

      See, Ed, it works for anything, even for myself getting the lead out in the kitchen.


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    Thanks for the good cheer. :-)

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