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Tiny Things Do Count

I woke up feeling down this morning. Actually, I went to sleep feeling down. I was also feeling a sense of devastation for no obvious reason.

To keep the ya-ya's at bay, I played Bejeweled Blitz at Facebook for a long while. Of course, it didn't work. 

I  told myself to do something constructive such as add stuff that I've been avoiding to do on my to-do list.  And do them. Or, at least take care of the things that are still on that list. I didn't even try to find my to-do list.

I thought about doing something healthy and frolicky such as  walking over to the quilt shop and buying a couple of cheerful looking fat quarters. But, should I be spending money that way? Besides, it looked like it might rain.

Then we received our mail. Amongst it was a handprinted envelope, which the husband thought was a wedding invitation. An assumption, he said, because there was no return address. But it was a card from Rabobank where we had opened a new account a few months back. "We appreciate your business. Thank you." It looked like all the employees at the local branch had signed the card. Wow.

Honestly, the card has cheered me up.  My feelings of anguish are gone. My downness is lifting. And, I'm going to head out to the quilt shop this afternoon. What's a couple of dollars and so what if it rains on me.

Thanks, Rabobank.


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