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My Expanding Work Space

Ha-haaah! Two days ago marked one full year of posting every day on this blog. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you very much. Last October I was feeling quite aimless.  Within two years, the Mama died of old age, the Husband got a pacemaker, and my reproductive system, along with a bit of cancer, was cut away. Yes, I had an excuse, if I needed one, to feel aimless.  Except I didn't want to feel aimless, which for me could lead to digging a deeper crevice in which to fall. So, I committed myself to this blog. Post every day I told myself. Original posts, preferably. On wordless days, I looked in my archives for something to share. One year later, do I still feel aimless? Buzzed is more like it. Buzzing like a bee flitting from one flower to the next. My flowers are artsy and craftsy repurposing rojects of all manner. Fun projects are revealing themselves to me, left and right. What to do? Which to attempt first? I also want to finish reading Anne Perry's Dark Tide Risin

A Missed Call

A ne'er-do-well left a message on our phone (land, if you must know) saying he is from the IRS and if we do not respond to his call within 10 minutes, a warrant for our arrest will be issued. The call was left about an hour ago. The voice left his message in a very brusque, rough tumbling threatening manner, so I can see how the gullible may believe he was from the IRS and sadly give the scammer money. After we erased the message, the Husband and I thought about reporting the call to the police or the IRS. The voice had left a number to call back, so it's possible an investigator might check. Who knows? Next time.


The shelled purse in the photo was the Mama's. Never was used. She had wrapped it carefully in plastic and kept it on her closet shelf. This was another item that didn't get sold in a garage sale two years ago. Ha! There was a reason for that, which showed itself today. The purse makes a cool planter for the Christmas cactus, don't you think?

P is for Pertinacity

My theme for #23 Round of ABC Wednesday: Signs & Such of San Benito County, California In January 2013, the Pinnacles National Monument was redesignated a national park becoming California's ninth national park. And, lucky us, the Pinnacles National Park is in our county. The park has two entrances. To get to the eastern entry, you drive right by Hollister. So, of course, both city and county jumped to take advantage of the potential increased tourism coming into our area. One thing the local politicians tried was to rename California Highway 25, which is pretty much contained in our county, to reflect as being the true gateway to the park. Cool idea, right? Residents and ranchers in the southern part of the county didn't agree. Someone told me many didn't like having to notify everyone about their new address as well as dig into their pockets to buy new stationery. Story short: Only the Highway 25 Bypass (about six miles), which skirts to the east of Holli

Wee, Wee, Wee, All the Way Home!

This is one of the Barnyard Races at our county fair last month. The cute piggies soared around the track. If you blink, you miss them running by you.

Molly's Monday #13

Superstitious? Not me. Miao. I walk under ladders. I don't care if I walk on cracks. Black cats better stay out of my yard. Not because I'm superstitious. They're just not welcome like other cats. Miao.

A Cheerful Dirt Dispenser

The fog rushed back in after the sun said good morning. It was strange to watch it fill in the sky rather than fade westerly. Thick, too. So pea-soupy thick, the birds flew low overhead. If I hadn't seen them I would've thought they were bats by the sound they made. Plap, plap, plap.  The other day I mentioned that I was painting a rice dispenser, which can hold about 25 to 30 pounds of rice, maybe a bit more. A couple years ago I tried selling it at a garage sale. No takers. Earlier this week I decided it can sit in the garden rather than the garage. The Mama stopped using it a few years after the Husband and I moved in with her. She switched over to storing rice in big tins that once held her favorite crackers. I think she simply liked the idea of keeping rice in happy looking canisters rather than a dull plastic looking thing. The rice dispenser is no longer dull, and it no longer stores rice. Now, its job is to hold potting soil. Ha! Here's what the other