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Eden Hills Friday Hunt V2.2

This week Teresa's Friday Hunt includes 1) Starts with the Letter B. 2) Week's Favorite and 3) Patriotic. My photo covers all three items. Hurrah! My town holds a lot of parades every year. Seven, if I'm counting correctly. My favorite is the Fourth of July Kiddies Parade. It's the sweetest, cutest, shortest, and quickest of them all. I'm not kidding about quick. You blink your eyes too often and you've missed all the children, the parents, and grandparents marching by. The Husband and I like to join in at the tail end for half-a-block of so. What's the letter B, you ask? B is for bitty as in the darling itty bitty girl pulling her horse. I thought her rather strong. Ready to go check out other blogs taking part in this week's Friday Hunt? Click here then.

Zowie! Such Zoolness.

What a zool cinderella dress, don't you think? Sometimes I see a Cinderella dress in this dressmaker's shop in town that I wonder what a petite, zaftig "young" old fogey woman like myself would look like wearing it. Giggle. I'm hooking up with ABC Wednesday , the fun weekly meme began by Mrs. Denise Nesbitt and now hosted by Roger Green and the ABCW team.  Check out the meme here .

Five Things this Morning

I woke up this morning to Janis Joplin singing Me and Bobby Mcgee . . . . "Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose. . ." I've soaked six of the Mama's bittermelon seeds and will put them into the ground on Tuesday. The Mama started seeds in late March to plant in early May. Maybe it's too late for the seeds to take. Maybe not. My To Do lists keep multiplying. Yesterday I got three boxes full of river rocks that a lovely woman in town was giving away. Her sister picked up the rocks from our local river bed. The boxes are still in the trunk. Have no idea yet what I shall do with them The Husband and I wandered around the motorcycle rally in town, listening to the bands and watching the crowds. Vrrroom-vrooom.

Eden Hills Friday's Hunt V2.1

The photo meme, Friday's Hunt , hosted by Teresa of Eden Hills , starts its second ABC round today.  It's a fun one. I made it to the letter L in the first round. Knock on wood, all goes well that I shall make it to the letter Z this time going.  As Jack Gleason used to say, "Away we go." Starts with A and Week's Favorite Our town is holding its annual motorcycle rally this weekend. It comes on or near Fourth of July to commemorate (I guess) the biker "riot" that took place in Hollister in 1947. The The Wild One starring Marlon Brando was loosely based on that incident.  So, for the next three days, we will be hearing and seeing thousands of bikers from all over, who have trekked to the Birthplace of the American Biker.  Many of them will park their bikes on our main street, where the 1947 incident took place.  Want to know more about the 1947 biker "riot"? Click here . This morning I headed down to the rally before it officially ope

Five Things Today

I thought today is Friday. I'm a few chapters into The Coincidence of Coconut Cake by Amy E. Reichert.  I'm enjoying it and it's so easy to read because the writing is seamless. The surgeon removed the week-old bandage covering the incision that marks the spot where the Husband's pacemaker was inserted last week. "You're good to go," said the surgeon. Hurrah! Why are some people okay about their neighbors being able to hear their music, conversation, and screaming grandkids clear as a bell from their backyard? I found three bags full of the brother's children's clothes in the Mama's closet. They've been there for at least 25 years, when the brother's wife put them in the bags to throw out. Somehow the Mama got her hands on them before she could. 


Old age realizes the dreams of youth: look at Dean Swift; in his youth he built an asylum for the insane, in his old age he was himself an inmate. ~ Soren Kierkegaard When I was a youth, I dreamt of hiking mountains, pedaling bicycles, paddling boats, crafting words for a living, seeing wondrous sights, traveling to distant lands, hanging out with great friends, and sharing life with an honest, respectful, kindly, compassionate, intelligent, and funny gentle man. I have realized, and continue to realize, my youthful dreams. How about you? Youth has no age. ~ Pablo Picasso It's the letter Y at ABC Wednesday . Click here to read other Y posts and/or to join in at the fun weekly meme. 

Pay Attention to Me!

Last night, Molly the Cat plopped in front of me and stretched as far as she could. "You will do no more computer work," Molly said, thumping her tail on the keyboard whenever I reached for it. "None what so ever." The Husband and I were gone the whole day, playing with friends at the coast. It was a kayaking adventure, perfect for the hot summer day. Not to worry, the Husband and Gerry the Pacemaker stayed ashore. Once the Husband can handle it, I have plans for us to go kayaking. Molly the Cat simply has to get used to us going out, and I have to get used to her cutting me off from the computer on those going-out days. Today, I'm linking up at Seasons , a weekly meme hosted by Jeanette of St Germain's Blog. Click here to join in (which is open until Wednesday) or to read other posts.