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Old age realizes the dreams of youth: look at Dean Swift; in his youth he built an asylum for the insane, in his old age he was himself an inmate.
~ Soren Kierkegaard

When I was a youth, I dreamt of hiking mountains, pedaling bicycles, paddling boats, crafting words for a living, seeing wondrous sights, traveling to distant lands, hanging out with great friends, and sharing life with an honest, respectful, kindly, compassionate, intelligent, and funny gentle man.

I have realized, and continue to realize, my youthful dreams. How about you?

Youth has no age.
~ Pablo Picasso

It's the letter Y at ABC Wednesday. Click here to read other Y posts and/or to join in at the fun weekly meme. 


  1. age is just a number.... you were and still are a wonderful and beautiful person. that is all that truly matters.

    Have a nice abcwednes-day / – week
    ♫ M e l d y ♫ (abc-w-team)

  2. In recent years my life has not gone the way I envisioned at all. I almost think you're setting yourself up for disappointment if you dream too much. No one knows from one heart beat to the next what is going to happen.

    1. When I was in my early 30s, someone told me that I fantasize too much which surprised me. I took it too much to heart and froze my imagination for a decade. Thank goodness, the Husband came along to help me free it.

  3. So wonderful that you have been able to realize those dreams.

    1. Thanks, Ann. Now to work on my middle age/senior years dreams. :-)

  4. May ALL Your Fabulous Dreams Come True!!!

  5. keeping a youthful outlook!

  6. "Stay Young and beautiful, it's your duty to be beautiful.
    Stay young and beautiful if you want to be loved".
    The words to a song we used to sing in Pantomime, when we were all
    young and beautiful...
    Well, I am not young in years but feel young inside.
    Beautiful ?
    When, one night on holiday in Turkey under a lovely
    starry sky my beloved Ian,told me I was beautiful,
    I have felt beautiful ever since,
    who am I to disagree?
    We were having a wonderful holiday, staying up in the Taurus Mountains,
    surrounded by lush green fir trees and chattering birds.
    The hotel was called The Dionysis Estate that had an infinitive pool that overlooked a craggy valley and the turquoise waters of the Mediterranean sea.
    Who wouldn't feel Young and beautiful in such a gorgeous backdrop...

    Hope you Susie, the husband and Molly the cat,

    Stay young and beautiful' forever.

    love n hugs from
    ABCW team.

    1. Hugs back, Di. Oooh, to swim in that pool. Sounds like the fountain of youth. I like your Ian. He knows a beautiful woman and not afraid to tell yer. The Husband is like Ian. I've come to believe the Husband, too. :-)

  7. If one is young in heart and mind then everything possible.

    1. I like your words, Rajesh. It's a beautiful truth.

  8. Hello, I believe the more your do the younger you feel. Great quote and post. May all your dreams come true! Enjoy your day and the weekend ahead!

    1. I wish my knees felt younger. :-) Have a great one, too, Eileen.

  9. I believe the day we stop dreaming, we'll die either physically or emotionally. There's always a new tomorrow, and we need to make the best of it, no matter what the current circumstances are. Thank you for your inspirational words, my friend!

  10. As long as we keep dreaming we are okay!
    Wil, ABCWTeam

    1. No matter how grumpy I get, I'll continue to dream. ;-)

  11. What a nice word, never thought of it !

    1. That word -- youth -- cracks up the Husband. lol

  12. How wonderful to look at your blessings rather than the other way around which so many people do. I feel blessed as well

    1. That's our fountain of youth, Birgit. I would have hated to be my age today and be bitter and suspicious, and a cold wall of armor should you try to hug me.


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