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Loving the Green Hills

Simply wonderful and marvelous. See you tomorrow.

A Pass to Read

Yesterday, as I was weeding out stuff I've been storing for decades, I found a hallway pass that was made out to me in my last semester of high school. The pass allowed me to go sit outside on the Senior Class benches to read my book. Yes, you read that right—a pass to read! My first period was Reading, an English elective. I loved that class. We read novels and plays of our choice in class and wrote book reports about what we read. Without that class, I doubt I would've ever read such classics as Babbitt, Our Town, Death of a Salesman, The Jungle, Winnie the Pooh, and Rabbit, Run. I don't know what it's like today, but 45 years ago when a high school senior already had her credits locked in for graduation, life was a picnic. Just as long as she didn't do something stupid, nor get caught for doing something stupid.


Did you ever see the movie Up , the animated movie about the old man who ran away by tying balloons to his house and flew to a waterfall in South America? He and his companion, a stowaway Cub Scout, met a mechanical dog by the waterfall. The very intelligent speaking dog got sidetracked every so often by squirrels and when he thought he saw one, he'd suddenly turn and say, "Squirrel!" Well, that's me. 

Delightful Curb Appeal

The items for this week's Friday Hunt, hosted by Teresa of Eden Hills are: 1) Starts with D. 2) Week's favorite. 3) Beautiful. For me, they all came together in this reflection of tree branches in a puddle of water near our public library. I didn't find anything I wanted to read in the New section. Any disappointment I had was quickly wiped out when I saw this reflection. To check out other Friday Hunt participants, click here . If you'd like to join the hunt, you have until Sunday evening to link up.

More about Me

When I can't think of what to write, I look in my "Drafts" folder for an unfinished post.  This one is a meme I started writing a year ago. The survey was longer. It only took me several decades to realize that I don't have to answer every question. It's not like I'm filling out a job application to be me.  Four Jobs I've Had Hand pollinator for a seed research company Clerk typist in the San Francisco Financial District Substitute teacher  (shudder) Freelance writer (I'm my best employer yet.) Four Movies I've Watched More Than Once Two Weeks Notice with Sandra Bullock and Hugh Grant Pride and Prejudice (all of them! including the one with Greer Garson and Sir Laurence Oliver) Monsters, Inc. (I love the relationship between Sully and Boo) Ground Hog Day (I think I'm finally good. Don't need to see it another time.) Four Places I Have Been Florence, Italy Seoul, Korea Hawaii—all the islands except Lanai Smokey Mounta...

Loving the Rain

Rain warms my heart. Big time! After four years of drought, the rain we've been having nearly every week, and sometimes several days in a row, is wonderful. We won't know until April (perhaps) if this El Niño weather pattern will break the drought. Knock on wood. As you can see, the rain has brought our lawn back. The Mama is happy about that. I'm heading over to link up with Warm Heart Wednesday , the meme hosted by the lovely Jenny Matlock. Want to join in and/or read what other participants have written? Click here .

Boinggg. . . .!

Boing! Boing! Boing! Its boingness is more so since I only drink it now and then. Boing! Boing! Boing! Yesterday was my day of Boing! I brewed coffee for the Mama, the Husband, and me to sip as we ate old-fashioned doughnuts. Yummmmmmm.  Boing! It's the letter B on ABC Wednesday , the weekly meme started by Mrs. Denise Nesbitt and continued today by Roger Green and his ABC Wednesday team. Click here to participate and/or to check out other participants.