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Loving the Rain

Rain warms my heart. Big time!

After four years of drought, the rain we've been having nearly every week, and sometimes several days in a row, is wonderful. We won't know until April (perhaps) if this El Niño weather pattern will break the drought. Knock on wood.

As you can see, the rain has brought our lawn back. The Mama is happy about that.

I'm heading over to link up with Warm Heart Wednesday, the meme hosted by the lovely Jenny Matlock. Want to join in and/or read what other participants have written? Click here.


  1. I can't imagine a month without rain! Go play with it! Mirrir effects everywhere and running people trying to keep dry. Good luck with it.

  2. Wonderful Rain . . . the thought of The Mama happy . . brings it all to life for me . . . thanks.

    1. The Mama was happy about eating fresh crab for lunch today. It had her reminiscing about being a kid. :-)

  3. Rain is nourishment and so glad your part of the earth is getting the rain

    1. Merci, Birgit. We may be having another storm this weekend. The lawn is at least a foot tall in places. The poor Husband may need a machete to cut it.

  4. Your heart would burning if you would live here ! It rains all the time !

  5. I'm glad you're finally getting some rain! Crazy weather. In one place it floods and in another there's a drought. And now the poor east coast is being hit with lots of snow!

    1. I wonder if there ever was a time when the weather or climate wasn't extreme in some place on earth.

  6. I am so glad you're getting some rain. Hope it ends the drought! That would be very good news.

    1. Knock on wood. Blow on a dandelion, which surprisingly I find a couple new ones every morning.

  7. A happy Mama is a happy family! ... what does Molly-by-Golly think of all this wet stuff?

    1. Molly is getting used to it. She sat out for nearly a minute while it was sprinkling. I finally picked her up and brought her inside.

  8. We are loving the rain, too, and our lawn isn't quite back but is definitely improved. Glad you are enjoying it!

    1. This afternoon, I noticed the lawn around the mailbox is almost up to my knee!

  9. The sound of rain so often warms my heart, too. I like to cuddle up under a flannel quilt, sip on a mug of green tea and watch and listen as everything in nature is watered.

    Your beautiful post was, indeed, very heart warming.



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Thanks for the good cheer. :-)

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