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Showing posts with the label flowers

Time Flies. . .

When you have much to do. Yup. Time flies. Fly, fly, time. Within the next six hours, I plan to do this: Finish the Husband's tunic. All I need to do is attach the sleeves and sides, then hem it up. Make an appetizer.  The Husband and I are going to a party tonight. Fun. Maybe I'll make cheesy olive balls. They're easy to make, but that means going to the store for olives and cheddar cheese. Put together a photo collage.  It's for a luncheon fundraiser tomorrow. I could probably do that after the party, if I print the photos beforehand. Yeah, that's the ticket. Get this post done.  I threw this in so I can feel like I'll have accomplished something once its published.  Always look for the positive, I say. Thank goodness, I finished reading my novel last night, otherwise I'd forget about doing these things I plan to do. Enchanted  August by Brenda Bowen.  Just like the title, the story was enchanting. I could go for either a cup of coffee o

Another Glorious Morning

Happy Monday, Dear Readers! It's another glorious morning. There aren't many morning glories in the Mama's garden this year because of the drought. Those that managed to pop up are flourishing happily. They're all 11th generation volunteers. Today I'm participating in NatureFootstep's Catching the Light meme. Click here to join in or to check out photos by other participants.

A Glorious Morning to You

Blue morning glory, hence Blue Monday . That's a blue-theme weekly meme hosted by Smiling Sally. Click here for more posts. 

A Pretty Picture

I'm going to the backyard to look for a pretty picture," I said to the Husband this morning, grabbing the camera. I had planned to post part two of my favorite movie characters today. But, I didn't get around to writing it. Lots of other stuff needed to (and still needs to) get written. Soon, part two will come. We need a pretty picture for today. I need to see a pretty picture. As I went down the stairs, I wondered what could I take besides the Mama's roses, daisies, veggies, trees, and other lovelies that the world has already seen. I wanted something different and pretty. I stepped outside. Molly the Cat came over to greet me. "I want a pretty picture. What do you think?" She complained about the bully of a mockingbird squawking menacingly as it swooped at her. I told her to catch the bird. She rubbed her face against geranium petals. Molly is a believer in "Make love, not war." But, she wouldn't mind if I got rid of the mockingbir

Wild Pink

The Husband and I came across these wild pink roses while walking on the main street of San Juan Bautista last Sunday. A perfect contrast to the sights that we saw during our hike with friends at the Pinnacles National Park. To see some of those amazing sights, please click here to go to my other blog, Take 25 to Hollister .


My  ABC Wednesday   theme:  The Mama and Her Authentic Green Thumbs. . .and Fingers I got this orchid plant as a gift six years ago. Every year it has bloomed again because of the Mama, who took it over from the moment it came into the house. She doesn't feed it any special orchid food.  She just waters it and reminds me not to water it. Today is ABC W ednesday , a meme began by Mrs. Denise Nesbitt and now headed by Roger Green  and his helpers.   Click  here  to read posts around today's letter O.  If you've come from the Blogging from A to Z April Challenge , my S post is over here .

Lovely and So Lively

My  ABC Wednesday   theme:  The Mama and Her Authentic Green Thumbs. . .and Fingers A note to the participants of the Blogging A-to-Z April Challenge . You can find my "A" entry (A is for Adobo, Pork Adobo) here . "The roses almost reach to your roof," said a friend of the Mama's, as the two were walking up to the house. "You need to prune them back." The Mama smiled at the lovely and so lively roses. Some were taller than her. "I already cut mine," said the friend. "That's good." "It's better that the roses are short." "I like them tall. As tall as the roof. Taller," said the lovely and so lively Mama, shuffling to the front door. It's  ABC W ednesday , a meme began by Mrs. Denise Nesbitt and headed   today by Roger Green  and his helpers.   Click  here  to read posts around today's letter L.

The Dude, The Husband -- A Reliable Guy

My  Alphabe Thursday  theme -- The Dude, The Husband "I must take a photo of the lupine," I said to the Husband as I got off Tilda-Hilda, my trusty pink cruiser. "Have you seen it?" The flower voluntarily chose to grow by the side of our driveway. It's the first lupine ever to grace our yard, so, of course, I had to record it. I had a difficult time getting the right angle because of bright sunny day. I tried casting a shadow on the lupine, but when I bent over to take a photo, there went my shadow. Then, the Husband was suddenly by my side, admiring the purple beauty. "Would you please put your shadow on it so I can take a photo?" The Sweet Husband did. I'm a fortunate woman, I am. It's the letter R  at Alphabe Thursday , hosted by Jenny Matlock. Please click here  to read other posts by bloggers around the world.