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A Pretty Picture

I'm going to the backyard to look for a pretty picture," I said to the Husband this morning, grabbing the camera. I had planned to post part two of my favorite movie characters today. But, I didn't get around to writing it. Lots of other stuff needed to (and still needs to) get written. Soon, part two will come.

We need a pretty picture for today. I need to see a pretty picture.

As I went down the stairs, I wondered what could I take besides the Mama's roses, daisies, veggies, trees, and other lovelies that the world has already seen. I wanted something different and pretty.

I stepped outside. Molly the Cat came over to greet me. "I want a pretty picture. What do you think?"

She complained about the bully of a mockingbird squawking menacingly as it swooped at her. I told her to catch the bird. She rubbed her face against geranium petals. Molly is a believer in "Make love, not war." But, she wouldn't mind if I got rid of the mockingbird. I'd love to. I can't stand how that bully stresses Molly the Cat.

Molly lead me around the garden. She stopped. I saw my pretty picture. The sunflower. My sunflower. Yes, I started the sunflower from seed. Me, not the Mama. I nursed it along.

Here's the thing. I thought I was planting milkweed seeds. That's what I had ordered in March. That's what the packages said. Out of all the seeds in the two packages, two sprouts popped up. One grew into a very, very, very tall sunflower.  The other grew into the tomato plant that the Mama brought back to life and now has three or four tomatoes.

There you go. A pretty picture. And another long-winded tale of nothingness from me.  See you tomorrow.


  1. Molly has stopped in the right moment ! Sunflowers are my favorite flowers !!

  2. Molly knew where to guide you. That is too funny that you got 2 totally different plants from the same seed packet. Look! You now have a beautiful sunflower and a delicious tomato plant, well not the plant but the tomatoes once they ripen

    1. It looks like the plant will have several sunflowers. Very cool. This is the tallest I've ever had a sunflower grow. The sunflower was in a sweet spot. It was getting all the water runoff. Looking forward to tasting the tomatoes.

  3. Wonderful colors, exquisite compositions, I love your flowers!

  4. Sun flower and tomatoes ? I felt a Van Gough moment!
    It seems Susie that you are developing the Mama's green fingers and thumbs !!
    love Di xxx

    1. I've been deadheading the flowers in the front. I call it finding zen. I've also started pulling out the dried flowers along the fence so the Mama won't see that they have died and scold me for being stingy with the water. Which I am. We're in a drought. I apologize to the flowers but tell them they have to find a way to make it on less water. If the meteorologists and climalogists are correct, we'll have a rainy autumn.


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