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Looking Ahead for Spring

 “I’m so excited, and I just can’t hide it./I’m about to lose control and I think I like it….”

Who remembers that 1982 song and which group sang it? 

Why am I so excited? Today I received an email from Baker Creek that my heirloom seed order, which I placed yesterday, is in the mail. Yi-haw! 

Here’s what I ordered.


1. Blauhilde Bean (climbing) and Cantare Bean (bush, la la la la)

2. Abashi Bittermelon (from Okinawa)

3. Orchard Baby Sweet Corn (this with Blauhilde will be part of the Husband’s Three Sister plot)

4. Nagasaki Long Eggplant

5. Serpente de Sicilia Cucuzzi (a long, pale green gourd, which from the photo looks like the Filipino tabongow)

6. Job’s Tears (seems you can make rosary beads out of this grain)

7. Ishikura Bunching Onion

8. Banana Sweet Pepper


9. Canterbury Bells, rainbow mix

10. Candyfloss Red Cosmos

11. Twinkles Phlox

12. Ki No Mai Stock (butter-creme yellow, so stated the description)

13. Hopi Sunflower (supposedly the Hopi used the seeds to make dye; guess what I’ll be trying)

The seed company is sending me three free seed packets, one of which is for Black Beauty tomatoes, the reason I decided to purchase seeds, and then went slightly hog-wild with my why-not-let’s-go-for-it wish list. 

Whoot, whoot! I have no idea yet where all these plants  will grow. 

“I’m so excited, and I just can’t hide it./I’m about to lose control and I think I like it….”

P.S. Who remembers the Pointer Sisters from Oakland, California?

Time for some Thursday 13  joy. Come check out other bloggers with me. 


  1. Oh yes, I remember that song. I hope you enjoy your seeds. I love to watch the tracking on anything I order (and even on things I send). It's fun to watch its journey through the mail system (or whatever shipping company is used).

  2. I remember that song! They also did "Fire," which was one of my favorites of theirs. That's a lot of seeds and planting!

  3. My mom would have loved this post, and would have enjoyed talking seeds with you. She loved working in her backyard so much!

  4. Hi Susie!! Remember me? It's Jim of the old "Jim's Little Blog". I was really surprised to see your link on Colleen's sign in Mr. Linky. Now on that blog I am following the old Alphabet game, we post on Friday's and sign in after four in the afternoon. It used to be too big, hard to answer all the comments. Now I feel okay, not real good, to have four. But for those four I have eleven other readers, some I know as family or friends, not sure who all. It has handed down several times and gets smaller with each host. Tom from Connecticut has it now, he hosts several blogs. Each week we have three topics, one is "Starts with [the letter of the week], next is "A Favorite", and last a word that Tom has chosen for us to write or show a photo for or both. Then I try to find a "Reflection or Candid shot of a person or persons" also for James who has several writers who mostly just show a picture with a short blurb. This week I posted a sly photo that I took of three folks paying their county taxes at the Tax Office counters in our city. They aren't very social and a lot don't exchange comments with many.
    I was sooo happy to have found you again, I'll check you out to see what your are posting. I might find something that I would like to do.
    Come see me on my blogs if you would. I'd like to sort of follow an old timer from back when.

  5. I remember the song and the Pointer Sisters. And no wonder you are excited, your heirloom seed order sounds fabulous. And very cool to help keep these varieties growing. I hope your corner of California is staying dry.


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