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Cheers to 2023!

Merry 1/2/2023, One and All!❣️

It’s a blustery California winter day outside my window. Lovely! In all this cold, angel’s trumpets, orange roses, and pink geraniums are in bloom. The lavender plant says to not forget her. And, now, the rain is showing itself. Hurrah!

I’ve made no resolutions, unless my staying the course with trying out stuff as well as practicing stuff a bit more consistently counts. 

This morning I practiced walking up and down  the sidewalk with my trusty walker. Happily tired me out. My first new try for 2023: I signed up to do a five-day Happy New Year creative art challenge, co-hosted by artists Karen Abend and Gaia Marfurt. Via email, I receive a prompt each day and do whatever comes to mind. 

Today’s prompt, the first one, was a bellish blob shape. This is what came to my mind: A timid, yet daring, heart who put on green sneakers and snuck outside to ride on her sensible, sturdy skateboard. Do you think she’s sporting a new knee joint under that skirt? Knee-haw!


  1. ...I must be out of the loop, didn't know that you were using a walker. Take care and stay well in 2023.

    1. Thanks, Tom. I had a total left knee joint replacement procedure in mid-December. Doing well. Cheers!

  2. Before you know it, you'll be walking as you were before the surgery, only without the pain. Fun skateboarder.

    1. It’ll be better, and when I get my right knee fixed, I tell you, I’ll be jumping over the moon.

  3. I didn't know about the walker either. I hope you can get your strength back, I know you love the outdoors! Happy new year!

    1. Thanks, Diane. I’m getting stronger day by day. Hurrah!


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Thanks for the good cheer. :-)

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