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A Work in Progress

I got brave and tore the wrapping off a brand new canvas a couple weeks ago. Here’s my work in progress. 

Sharing with Art for Fun Friday, hosted by Gillena of Lunch Break


  1. Susie!! the colours are lovely and you captured the depth of the water! I love that you said you bravely ripped open a canvas lol...that's exactly how I feel, they are a precious commodity! ☺

  2. Wow a beautiful scene and i luv the movement of the water.
    Thanks for linking to Art For Fun Friday

  3. Great start -Christine

  4. That is going to be great once you finish it. I hope you share the next phase or completed work with us. I like this start a lot. hugs-Erika

  5. Oh Susie ~ this is a lovely creation ~ great texture, colors and love the movement of the water ~ lovely place to be ~ Xo

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  6. Looks great so far. I love all the texture. I like the perspective too.

  7. Looks good so far, I love the colours :)

  8. this is the kind of landscape I really like. Well done! I would not mind visit it!

  9. Beautiful landscape -- I sadly know that photograph can't capture flowing water the way a true artist can. Thanks for sharing.


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