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Handsome Is

The ornamental pear tree in the front yard is more than 20 years old. The Husband planted it for Mama a few years before we moved in with her. Come this summer, we’ll have lived here 19 years.  Wow.

Here’s what the tree looks like today when you stand beneath it and look up. Amazing!


  1. Looks like I'm the first to comment on your blog, does that mean I win a prize? lol I love trees, and your picture is awesome.

  2. Oooh, pretty. As long as it gives you good memories :)

  3. A beautiful tree giving you lots of beautiful memories Susie :)

    1. And, lots of shade for the flowers and succulents beneath it. :-)

  4. You reminded me of that old saying, 'the best time to plant a tree is yesterday. The second-best time to plant a tree is today.' :)


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