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Our 2022 calendar is a work in progress. 

I like how the February calendar turned out, all hearts inspired. Good thing, too. February is a month of  both sad and happy anniversaries:
* the Husband’s late first wife’s birthday
* the birth and death of Big Sister (one day of life, unfortunately)
* the start of my career as a writer and editor (I love that my first day on the job was the second day because the first day was a holiday.)
* the day we brought Missy Molly the pinky-nosed (wilde) Cat home
* the Husband’s older brother’s birthday
* the day Daddy died while having lunch at the senior center
* the day Baby Sister died on Mama’s lap (Mama was about to feed her lunch) 

Making calendars is therapy.


  1. Wow, way too many anniversaries in this month. And it's such a short month.

    1. June is another full month. Funny how that goes.

  2. That's a whole bunch of comings and goings. :)


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