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Patchy Memories


The other day a friend asked me what was healing like after the hysterectomy I had a few years back. I was surprised that I couldn't recall anything other than what the doctors and the Husband told me. The Husband said that Dr. Gyn-Oncologist & Dr. Gynecologist marched into the waiting room with big smiles and triumph on their faces when all was said and done. 

I do remember how anxious I got the next day of the surgery; if I didn't pee a certain amount by mid-afternoon, I was stuck in the hospital for another night. (Fortunately I met the deadline.) I also remember the day after I got home, a good friend brought me delicious homemade brownies, and a few days later I told another friend to leave because his negative beliefs about the world was bringing me down.  I recall now that the Husband and I slept downstairs in L Studio for about two months.

I had to laugh that I couldn't remember my recovery period. Details may pop up later. Or not. Does it even matter if I've forgotten? Daddy used to say to Mama when she was grieving or griping over past recollections, "Forget about it." I must've listened to his advise.


  1. I remember my hysterectomy but not like I did years ago. After a couple of decades the mind softens the pain and time of feeling not fit and tired. That's a good thing I think.

  2. It's good not to remember some things too well.

    1. I wonder if that's what Daddy meant by "Forget it."

  3. You agreed with me about the boar's tits at Birgit's blog so I came to visit you. I had a hysterectomy long ago. My husband (who is now X) told me the doctor came out to the waiting room and said, If she pisses on Wednesday she'll be able to go home.
    I pissed as ordered.

  4. I have no personal experence in this area. Never had hysterectomy.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

    1. I hope you don't ever have to need one, Dora. It took 12 years before I finally couldn't say no to the doctor about the surgery.

  5. I just remember I wasn't to life anything for 6 weeks. I bounced back quite well I think. It doesn't pay to linger over past things,....I often do in the doesn't help or resolve anything. Stay safe, enjoy your week, and thank you for visiting my blog. Yes I recommend you read The Dictionary of Lost Words.

  6. It's funny what we remember. I remember coming out of the anesthetic after a big surgery on my knee and someone asking me what my pain was on a scale of 1 to 10. I was barely conscious but I remember very clearly saying, "When I can feel anything I'll let you know." :)


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