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Mercy, It's Percy from New Jersey

Percy the Basket Pelican has sat on our front yard for two years. I'm thinking he's happy.

"No more paint job for me," said Percy from New Jersey.

I'm fine with that. 

Yesterday was sunny and cold. Today is rainy and not so cold. The forsooth sayers were correct: Wear long pants, not shorts, and put on socks and a knit cap when I'm cold. Sixty-six, I'm still learning.

Keep on smiling! That I shall as I hop over to All Seasons. Wilst thou join me?


  1. Oh, when the thou's and thee's start flying around, I'm getting REALLY concerned, Susie (haha) :):) That is so unlike you! I love that bush in the background - that must be a killer capture for the foreground!
    Ugh, the weather here is not helping either. Sunday afternoon, a strong wind, rain, and wet snow. keep up your spirits, Friend. W'e'll get through this week too!
    Am forewarned, because 3 our of 4 times that snow is falling, we also have a power outage, so I am hurriedly giving my response to everyone! Wishing you a very good week and inspiration, Jesh

    1. Another unlikely side of me has been ousted. lol, Percy sits among geraniums. Good thing he's not allergic.
      It's gorgeous today. Bright and cheery. Still chilly. A tooth ached the moment I stepped out. It quickly adapted to the cold, for which I'm verily glad. Cheers, Jesh!

  2. Love you basket of bulbs, looks so natural

    1. The succulents do look like bulbs. That's a good idea, Dora, about bulbs. I'm going to slip a few freesia in there for next year. Take care out there.

  3. I'm still capable of learning ... the Basket Pelican is great
    Greetings Elke

    1. Hello Elke. Percy bows in pleasure of your comment. Long ago, I heard that we lose our ability to learn as we grow. Ha! Whoever came up with that theory just gave some people an excuse not to be curious. So I think. Take care.

  4. While we are self-isolating I am fine with rain.

    1. We've been having a great dose of rain the last several weeks. Hopefully the amount keeps us out of drought this season. Knock on wood. Take care, Jackie.

  5. You have a beautiful garden that your Mama started. She would be proud.

    1. Merci beaucoup, Birgit. I think Mama would've eventually come around to liking flowers everywhere on her once-upon-a-time lawn. No doubt both Mama and Daddy are surprised that I was watching and listening to them as they raised their gardens. This week's plan is to sow sunflower seeds all around. Fun!

  6. Percy seems quite happy with all that growth in and around him. Does he have a Jersey accent? Rain and cold are not my friends since that's the safest time to go out and get some exercise. Safe social distance kisses and scritches to Molly.

    1. I never noticed if Percy has an accent. The geraniums around him have giggled sometimes when he speaks. I wonder if that's why. I'm very thankful that I can just step out the door and still be physically safe. I hope all goes well with your election today. Take care, Jeanna.

  7. We're having rain and chilly weather, too. You'd think i own a knit cap, wouldn't you?

    1. Now that you've finished all your Christmas presents, you can knit a happy cap or two for yourself, Liz. Cheers!

  8. Percy looks quite dapper with his new 'do-over'. :)

    1. That was his old 'do-over'. It's quite snazzy, I agree. Maybe Percy will come around and let me do-over just his beak.

  9. We went out for a walk today and it was so sunny and warm (53F) we had to take our jackets off. - Margy


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