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A (Temporary) Junkyard of My Own

"Do you think someone might report our backyard as a nuisance?"

"Nobody can see back there." answered the Husband. 

"Snoops can," I said, thinking about that drone we saw one afternoon turning around above our house. I wondered if it had followed us home. The bastard. As Mama liked to say after I said something weird, but quite entertaining to her, "You have too much imagination."

"It's nobody's business how our backyard looks," the Husband said.  I imagined him word-sparring with a snoop. The Husband, my hero. 

At this particular point in time, the backyard looks like a colorful junkyard in the Spring. I find its look comforting. It's familiar to a time past. It gives me strength to keep on keeping on. I wonder if that's how Mama felt when she played out there, growing her vegetables and tending to her flowers. 

It's my turn now to transform the backyard into a fantasy of my making. I have my whole life to figure it out. :-)

It's time for Mosaic MondayTake care out there. 


  1. Su-sieeemac - at times like this, I am thinking "what am I waiting for?" There are some people that I have "met" through blogging that I would really like to meet in person, and you are one of them. Who knows what the future will bring? If we have learned anything, it is that nothing should be taken for granted. So, when this is all over, I will have a list of the people I want to visit, and it will happen. Are you up for it? Thanks for being that very special person, the person with the active imagination. And thanks for gracing Mosaic Monday with that very special you. Happy Easter to you!

    1. Like minds, we are!. Sometime back, I was daydreaming aloud to the Husband that should we ever go to Montana, we would need to meet up with you. Yup, we never know what's around the corner. Peace and Joy, Joy, Joy, Angie.

  2. Hello, your blog is so fun, what a great imagination. Is there such a things as too much imagination, I hope not. Take care, enjoy your day! Happy Easter!

    1. Thank you, Eileen. i truly believe in that saying: It takes one to know one. :-) Good cheer!

  3. That's your space to enjoy any way you like! safe.

    1. I like your attitude, Suzy. :-) You, as well.

  4. I had a neighbor whose backyard was like Sanford and Son.

  5. It's a very colourful temporary 'junkyard' Susie, I love it :)

    1. Thank you, Eunice. For now, this is where we take our walks.

  6. If it doesn't smell (rotten), it isn't a health hazard, and it's fenced in, I don't see how anyone could complain. Unless you're governed by a strict HOA, it's your backyard and you can do what you want with it.

    1. Every now and cat poop from the neighborhood feral cats. Molly knows better. When she's outside, she runs inside to her box to do her thing, then back out again.
      We're fortunate that this neighborhood got built without an HOA.

  7. ...keep on keeping on is what it's all about these days! Take care and stay well.

  8. Your backyard is quite interesting. Keep us posted as it develops into your fantasy world

    Happy you dropped by my blog. Have a nice week


    1. I love your tact, Gillena. Ambitious me says that would be fun to do one day a week on the blog. Let's see how that pans out.

  9. LOL I am sure people feel that way about my farm. The kids have built pens for pigs out of pallets and then we have the chickens, the goat, turkeys, quite the menagerie. But they all needed forever homes and we have the space. I think your yard is marvelous.

    1. How fun! Daddy and Mama kept chickens, goats, pigs, pigeons, and sometimes a cow or two in our backyard. It was a good thing our one block development was in the county.

  10. I'm seeing more yard art. It diffidently yard art, no question about it

  11. Little treasures! The dinosaurs made me laugh.

    1. The dinosaurs are happy you like their performance, Linda. :-)

  12. A colorful junkyard, haaaaa! I think it's one of the finest looking backyards ever. I get the urge to chuck something at any drone I see, would love to see what some bottle rockets would do. Oh wow, who would have thought that this was the paradise you were creating back in 2006. I'm thinking of getting a little community plot, but of course the word, "community" is scary right now. Kisses to Molly.


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Thanks for the good cheer. :-)

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