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Rambling -- 13

1. I'm hoping we won't need to turn on the furnace until December 1.

2. Right now we're doing fine with wearing heavy long-sleeved tops and long, warm pants, snuggling beneath blankets on the couch, and turning on the space heater.

3. I baked the first apple pie of the season.

4. Baking warms up the house.

5. We have a gas furnace. It would be more efficient if the majority of the heater vents weren't next to windows. What kind of design is that?

6. I need to renew my driver's license very soon. So, today, I checked out what I needed to do. Make an appointment so I don't have to wait forever in line, I thought. Ha! The next appointment is in January. Way too late.

7. I'll apply for the Real ID, too. That one may be a hoot to navigate.

8. Someone screwed up my name royally on my birth certificate. My last name is misspelled. Instead of showing Mama's maiden surname as my middle name, the certificate has Gusman. Mama's middle name before she married was DeGuzman, which was her mom's maiden surname. Gusman is not even close.

9. Here's something I painted that's not a landscape.

10. We watched the House Intelligence Committee inquiry. Today, after the final interview, the Husband and I watched The Great Outdoors with John Candy and Dan Ackroyd as we ate a pizza and drank a beer.

11. Congresswoman Jackie Spier said Fiona Hill spoke truth and was steely. That, I think, also described all the witnesses. Even Sondland with his squirrellyness. They're all heroes for speaking up.

12. I thought all U.S. ambassadors are political appointments, meaning figureheads who show up, smile, and razzmatazz the American fight song while assistants and assistants to the assistants do the real work. I'm glad to know that's not the case.

13. Was it over an hour ago that the Husband and I talked about having something to eat?

I'll be heading over to Thursday 13 now. Come join me.


  1. I just love this time of year and all the little changes around the house - the blankets piled on the couch, the extra cushions to warm up the room, the bowl of apples in the kitchen waiting to be made into a pie. Best time of year!

  2. Back in the day, our small family watched the Watergate hearings on our tiny old TV. Now I’m sure I’d be screaming and throwing things but maybe not. Like Madame LaFarge, I could just sit and knit a scarf. 😈🧶
    This is a marvelous read. Thank you for this!

    1. Playing Sudoku and cutting out pictures helped me while I listened. :-)

  3. I need to get the Real ID too, and also have concerns about it. I think for women this is a nightmare, because if you married your name changed, yada yada. I dropped my maiden name and used my middle name, and apparently that is not common.

    1. Since all my other documents have the right name, I would think they'd overlook my birth certificate. What can they do? Deport me to my home country which is the United States. Oh-oh, I could embark on a soapbox, so I shall stop. :-)

  4. I haven't busted out my space heater yet, but the roommate has been burning her heater for a month and a half. She's been cold.

    When my driver's license needed renewal last year, I navigated the whole Real ID thing. (And I got caught in the oops-they-were-supposed-to-have-two-proofs-of-residence issue.) I also didn't make an appointment early enough, so I had to wait in line. First piece of advice: do you have an only license DMV nearby? I went to our local one, and the wait was less.

    Make sure to have all your paperwork. Or a valid passport. And yes, the change of name thing will be an issue. Make sure to have your marriage license and any change of name paperwork so you can prove your birth certificate is your birth certificate. If you have your paperwork in order, it's not a major thing. I had no issues getting mine done.

    1. Thanks, Liz, for the great advice! I had no idea there are only license DMV offices. That's good to know.

  5. your sock painting is adorable. We are right now having our 10th snow since October, so our furnace is on. AND I'm wearing thick socks.
    Can't deal with the group who says their guy can break all the laws he wants... growing up we valued honesty, integrity, and doing the right thing. Oy.

    1. Thanks LA. It's a pencil/cartoon drawing enhanced with Photoshop filters.
      I hope this is the last time we have to deal with that kind of group.

  6. Yeah, my idea of diplomats has changed considerably, from glad-handers to steely-eyed true Americans who do difficult and sometimes dangerous work without much fanfare.

    1. I'm certainly glad to know there are people like those career diplomats working in our government.

  7. I had the same experience with setting up a DMV appointment (really long wait times... like over a month!!). Fortunately I wasn't in a big rush ("rush" and "DMV" don't go together at all) and I ended up getting my Real ID.

    1. I'm thinking about bringing my beach chair or stool. That would take the sting out of waiting.

  8. We have a heat pump which sucks when it gets cold cold. I turn it to 51F because it drives up the bill even at 60 something but we use a space heater since we mainly stay in one room.

    1. Our energy bill is the same way. It goes up with any usage. That ought not be.

  9. I know what you mean about in-built heating . . . we only have electrical heat bars that are positioned underneath EVERY window!!! Needless-to-say we've turned them all off at the fuse-box and only run a space heater when we need to too. (it's a very little house, and we only heat the rooms we're in anyway) Mrs Widds is gearing up for her Christmas goodie-basket baking, (cakes and pies and tarts and cookies, oh my!) so we turn the heat off altogether during those times. :)

    1. Ooooh, I can smell the loving warmth of your Missus's baking.

  10. Just came from drop in visit with daughter, she was all curled up under two blankets ... it’s that kind of a day here too. .... agree with you, It is a bright spot in a bleak time to know that the ambassadors (and their assistants and assistants assistants too for that matter) are by and large honest people trying to do their work and actually caring about the future of our country and the world.

    1. We need this reassurance that not all is dark and corrupt in the world. :-)


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