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Rocks, Stepping Stones, and a TIle

Lately, I've been thinking again about earning a bit of pocket money. If I applied myself, I could find a writing gig or two, but I'm not ready. I don't know if I'll ever be ready again.

When I was a young thing living in San Francisco, I daydreamed about being a street artist selling her creations to locals and tourists. I had one major detail missing in my daydream. I didn't create anything. Nada. Zilch. Zip.

But now, all the experimenting I've been doing with paints, fabric, plants, and junk, maybe, just maybe, my daydream may come true. And, if not, I'm certainly having loads of fun.

I'm also learning that there's more than one story in a painting. When I started painting this tile, I thought about creating an outdoor scene with overt dollar signs and calling it Stand United Against Greed. I was ticked off at that moment about the current government's dismantling of environment laws and regulations. The result is what you see on the left. It felt too ugly and negative. I turned the tile around. Much better.

Today's hookups are with All Seasons, hosted by Jesh of The Jesh Studio, and Mosaic Monday, hosted by Angie of Letting Go of the Bay Leaf.  Thank you, lovely hosts!


  1. Replies
    1. What I need to do is stop thinking something will drop to stop my fun. I won't let it happen, the stopping, that is.

  2. Luv the fun part of your art. Best wishes
    Happy you dropped by my blog


    1. Thanks, Gillena! We need fun in our lives, especially in these times.

  3. Nice to meet you! I love your attitude and sense of fun. :) Kit

  4. Su-sieeemac - I am sure there is a market for your creations, but only if you WANT to. Life is too short to spend it doing something you don't really want to do. And, in my opinion, there is enough negativity in the world already … I enjoy your bright personality - THAT'S what the world needs! Thanks for linking to Mosaic Monday, my friend!

    1. Thank you, Angie. I've never thought of myself as having a "bright personality". The Husband says I sparkle, whatever that means. I do like to think positively and find a positive in a negative, but I also tend to be cynical, which I'm happy to say I'm doing less, the more I create.

  5. I real like middle photo, nice job.
    Coffee is on

    1. Thanks, Dora! The stepping stones are sitting on the table, waiting for their forever home in the yard.

  6. It's easier today to start a small arty business on the internet. But only if the creating brings you joy.

    1. Joy is the key, definitely. Becoming a business could be a kill-joy.

  7. Standing things on their heads is always a great way to change perspective! . . . nicely done m'dear. :)

    1. Thanks, Widders. Sideways, too. I also painted the other sides of the rocks to make them Reversible Story Rocks. lol

  8. One thing is for sure, you are a great story teller.I read your story about going to Santa Barbara the first time early in the day, and i still remember your mishap, because of the way you tell it, is funny :):)
    Am looking at your four paintings, and I think you would be great in mosaics (because you like to put together things that seemingly do not fit.). And you can glue your mosaic unto almost any type of subject.
    Many thanks for making me laugh with your Santa Barbara story for All Seasons! Enjoy your summer week:)

    1. Thanks, Jesh! I want to say we tied up that muffler with a tie, but why would there be a man's tie in my trunk. lol I love what you said about me putting things together that shouldn't seem to fit. I got it from Mama. She put together combinations that should've clashed but didn't.

  9. have fun playing with your art. Many of us are struggling artists at heart waiting to be discovered, but in the meantime having fun. Have a great week and thank you for stopping by my blog this week.

    1. I shall. If I could make a bit of pocket money with my stuff one day, that would be gravy. :-)

  10. I love your positive way of thinking...just turn it upside down and it the right side up! I think you could make a go of it with your beautifully painted objects d'art.

    1. hahaha, "right side up!" Love that. Thanks, Birgit!

  11. You never know how thing will turn out until you try! Give it a shot :)

    My Corner of the World


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