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The Bee's Knees

Hey, ya. Hi, ya. How ya? Imagine a Lilo smile (Lilo, as in Lilo and Stitch, a 2002 Disney movie).  That is how I'm feeling. Also a bit foggy brained and weary boned from all the week-long fun of turning 65! years old. That, dear blogging friends, is why I have been quiet in my corner of the world.

For my birthday gift, the Husband and I rented a car to travel beyond 25-year-old Eliza Does-alot's comfort radius, as well as drive after sunset, if need be. Eliza's headlights do not compete with today's head beams, which blind me into a panic. The Husband doesn't even try driving at night, thank goodness. We drove the rental, a silver 2019 (oh my!) Nissan Sentra we called Sedgwick, on narrow mountain roads, unpaved back roads, smooth freeways, and bumpy highways. And, I was able to drive home at night, without using my high beams. I felt like a younger self.

Spontaneity. Go with the flow. I discovered that I can still do both. Hurrah!

We spent my birthday day with good friends Missus and Mister H. It started with a yummy breakfast of lemon scones, egg casserole, bacon, hash browns, and avocado slices, all lovingly cooked by Missus H. It was the perfect meal to take us through the day—a country drive skirting along the Pinnacles National Park to its western entrance where we walked a two-and-a-half mile loop, more or less, that included fording a creek to the Balconies Cave. I've scrambled through the pitch black talus cave twice before in my 30s and early 50s, both times going down and over the boulders with healthy knees.

Guess what? My no-cartilage knees did not cry, whine, or complain about the uphill climb. If anything, they smiled, giggled, and laughed as I nudged my body up and over the boulders. This quick and dirty sketch gives you an idea of the first section in the cave. Ha ha.

Fortunately for us, we got into the cave just before the rangers closed it. Just as we reached the cave, three rangers appeared to check a boulder that had fallen inside the entrance during a recent earthquake. Balconies Cave was formed by rocks falling over each other millions of years ago. I was too busy climbing the boulders to be concerned about any possibly slipping that afternoon.

I couldn't ask for a better way to celebrate my first day of 65! years old.   :-)

Here are the memes where I'm hanging my hat today.  Thank you Jesh, host of All Seasons, and Angie, host of Mosaic Monday.


  1. Su-sieeemac!!! Congratulations on turning 65 … if you hadn't told me, I would have pegged you as a much younger girl-woman … your vibrant spirit radiates through your blog posts!!! I am glad your knees decided to be young too - this looks like an absolutely spectacular place to explore. I appreciate you sharing this milestone with the Mosaic Monday family - many happy returns to you, my friend!

    1. Grazie, Angie. That's good to hear my spirit has yet to age as my body. :-)

  2. Yippeeee! What a Grand way to begin the next 65!!!!

    1. I loved the challenge of inching up those boulders. Whooopie!

  3. That cave entrance looks so small, I'd freak out. Congratulations on turning 65, hooray for extra benies. And good for you for renting a sold transportation vehicle and seeing where it takes you. That's my favorite birthday thing to do but I usually go without breakfast, yours sounds delicious and practical.

    1. The top photo is a picture of the tippy top of the cave at one point. It would've been a tight Winnie-the-Pooh squeeze for me if we came through that opening. We'd also have to be on a rope, for which I'd be game. :-) (That's a wicked smile.) Hee, hee. Merci beaucoup, Jeanna.

  4. Well, happy birthday! You go, girl!

  5. Glad you had a great trip. Looks like it was fun.

    1. I was smiling all the way up. At one point, I was slightly stuck. Not stuck between the rock but stuck in how the heck am I going to get up. Mister H. kept repeating "Susie, turn around and face the rock." and I kept answering, "No." I managed to work myself up to the next level looking away from the rock. hahahaha

  6. ...let me tell you for experience that there is life after 65, but I don't enjoy driving after dark anymore.

  7. Wow! 65! Amazing----heehee. I am much older and still loving to hike even with the no cartilage knees. Haha.

    Sounds like you really enjoyed the wonderful Natal day.
    I wondered about where the Pinnacles were as we have an area called the same. Maybe not a national park though. Mountain climbing fun.

    1. Thank you. :-) The PInnacles National Park is in California. The east entrance is by way of Hollister while the west entrance is east of Soledad. John Steinbeck country.

  8. Happy Birthday sweet lady! What a way to celebrate - love your story and rocky photos. Looking forward to sharing more adventures with you this coming year!

  9. Happy Birthday Susie! Congratulations. Wishing you many hikes still to come and many blog posts to share!
    All the best.

    1. Grazie! I shall do my best to make your wish come true. :-)

  10. Happy Birthday, Susie. I'm wondering where the Pinnacles National Park is, for there is one that we visited a couple of months ago in Washington State (USA). Exploring nature is fun no matter what your age! Wishing you a great year ahead.

    1. Thank you, Lorrie. The Pinnacles National Park is in the California central coast area, near Monterey. The park has 2 entries. We usually go to the east side because it's in our county. The west entry is in Soledad.

  11. How truly, truly, wonderful ... and congratulations to your knees! :)

  12. Happy birthday! I'm glad to hear your knees cooperated. I love to travel now, knowing my knees could give out at any time! (I have a few years on you!). Best wishes for a wonderful year ahead!

  13. A lot of rocks there - but happy Birthday! Wishing you also Happy & Healthy 2019!

  14. Beautiful shots! Wonderful trip and Happy Birthday!


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