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Molly's Monday #6

Miao, miao. The days are getting cooler. I wonder if it has anything to do with what my humans are saying, "It feels like Fall."

Fall who?

Is Fall one of those tiny doggies that wandered and sniffed around the backyard yesterday morning. Some kind of chihuahua they were.  Miao. I thought I was seeing double. They both wore pink halters. Miao, miao. Maya and Daisy were their names.

I was lying in the Shady Room when Maya came into view. She was too busy checking out the plants to notice me. I had almost tip-toed into the Sunny Room when I came across Missus Lady talking to Long Blonde Hair who suddenly reached down to pick up Daisy.


"Molly isn't bothered at all," Missus Lady said, "If they were cats, she'd be snarling by now."

Missus Lady got that right. The doggies were so much nicer than the cats that try to take over my territory. Those cats have no shame. Miao. 

Daisy and Maya are welcome to wander around my yard anytime.  Purrrrrrrrrrrr.


  1. It's funny how cats and dogs aren't sure what to do with each other.

    1. I'll take dogs over cats any day. Purrrrrrrrrrr.

    2. My inlaws cat had a stare contest with a little dog. He ended smacking him on the head. Poor pup

  2. I am glad Molly the cat is still exploring and having fun as usual.

    1. She's moving a little slower, but still having fun out there. She can hardly wait for us to open the door in the morning.

    2. I beg to differ with Missus Lady. Move slowly, indeed. She's the one who moves slowly these days. Miao.

  3. I love it when you feel there is a nip in the air! I'm afraid if it was my crazy poodle that entered Molly's territory, there'd be pandemonium with Molly the sure winner :) Enjoy!
    Wren x

    1. Purrrrrrrrrrrrrr. I'd show him what-for, but afterwards we would be friends.

  4. What a magnificent tail that is, disappearing through the garden. :)

  5. After the heat wave it got cool and now it's warm (not hot) again. The cats move inside or outside depending the weather, lol !

    1. Miao, I prefer outside to inside most times. Even rainy days as long as the shed is open.

  6. No pussy cat goes outside without a leash because we are right beside a busy street and have no backyard. I m dreaming for cooler days

  7. That's pretty generous of you Molly, but always be ready to scamper and jump up high in case some pooch gets the wrong idea.

    1. Don't you worry, Ms. Jeanna, I've got scramming down to a t. Purrrrrrrrrrr.


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