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The Delight of Late Afternoon Light

I love the lighting magic that happens as the sun starts its downward path towards the horizon. I often ignore the experts' advice and click into the west just because I like how the light reflects on objects.

My camera is a point-and-click. So, that I do, glad that I can crop, sharpen, highlight, fine tune the contrast, and so forth and so on with Photoshop.

These photos were taken on Sunday afternoon at Good Friends Missus and Mister H's ranch, who invited us to a smoked turkey dinner. They raise free range organic turkeys. Missus H said it was time to consume the last frozen turkey from last year. The Husband and I were happy to help. Yummm. The above photo is of Mister H carving one of the turkey legs with a rather humming electric knife.

Time for Our World Tuesday. Here's the link to check out participants from around the world, and maybe to join up yourself. Thanks, Our World Tuesday hosts!


  1. Great photos ~ wheel is my favorite and so creative!

    Happy Day to you,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

    1. Thanks, Carol. The photos of the whole wagon were not as interesting as this one of the wheel alone. Funny how that goes.

  2. Sounds like it was a lovely dinner.

    1. I forgot to mention that the smoked turkey was accompanied with roasted garlic mash potatoes, tomato salad, broiled chicken thighs, and lomi lomi salmon. Droolllll

  3. Wonderful glimpses of your world.
    light is magical.

  4. Fresh turkey is always good! Love the pussy cat and the wheel just speaks of lazy days of summer. Is that part of the forest fires you are having in California? That is scary!

    1. The big ones in the news is way to the north and east of us. It seems like every day or two, there have been fires in our region. Most have been contained within 24 hours, thank goodness for the fire guys and gals.

  5. I do the same thing with my pictures but just use Picassa for editing. Without it, many of mine would be crooked ... i think I use 'straighten' on almost everything, maybe I have crooked eyes or something. But the light/bright tool is good for me too. That turkey dinner sounds wonderful!

    1. I don't worry anymore about my shots being crooked, because of the ability to straighten the image. Mostly though I crop what I want. Every now and the I like the off-kilter look

  6. A Turkey does sound good. Coffee is on

  7. I actually use MS paint to edit my photos. If the file is large enough (if it's a picture I took, it is) I can make changes pretty easy. I can even take people out of photos if the location is right. I do that for fun sometimes. But it's easier to use and faster to fire up. I have GIMP but I rarely use it.

    1. It's fun for me, too, deleting stuff out of photos. I also find it rather relaxing.

  8. Replies
    1. I'm going out there again to take more photos. Lucky me!

  9. Late afternoon light is rightfully called the golden hour. The kittycat one is marvelous.

    1. The cat (who is either Ace or Jack, both black so I can't tell the difference yet), walking across the edge of the orchard made me think of big cats crossing a savannah.

  10. Ok that turkey looks very tasty. I'm like you I shoot into the light sometimes just because I want it that way, lol. but I have to learn how to use Photoshop. It's something I hope to get around to doing but there are always so many competing things to do.

    1. The turkey was as tasty and moist as it looks in the photo. I use a very old version of Photoshop, which I think I've only learned 25% of it. :-)

  11. That late afternoon or early morning light is the best. I don't often get the chance to take advantage of it though. I need to get up earlier. I love that light in the long grass in the old wagon wheel. Have a fabulous weekend ahead and thank you for stopping by my blog this week.

    1. I'm glad you enjoyed the photos, Jill. I'm going out again later today. With luck I may catch a turkey, with the camera.

  12. I am glad you explained that first photo - it was a little alarming at first glance!

    1. hahahahahah. I was wondering if anyone would admit to shivering at first glance of that photo. I'm thinking about entering a version of it into our county fair.

  13. Hello, pretty lighting and photos. I love the wheel and the kitty. Enjoy your day and week ahead!


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