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Silver the Cat

This is Silver. Aren't his blue eyes amazingly blue? 

Old Silver lives on good friends Missus and Mister H's ranch. He's a Persian mix, methinks. He rules the cat roost on the ranch. 

Molly Girl doesn't know a thing about him. I think she prefers to not know about any cats that The Husband and I know.

"Miao, miaooo! That's right!" exclaims Molly from down the hall.


  1. Beautiful ranch cat . . . but, of course Molly Rules.

  2. Have they met. That might be an interesting thing to witness.

    1. I doubt Molly and Silver ever will meet. The ranch is too big of a place with too many hidey holes to bring Molly for a visit. A lost Molly there could mean food for the bob cats, coyotes, and whatever else run wild and free in the area.

  3. Silver is beautiful! Love those blue eyes too. It's probably a good thing Molly doesn't know about him, she probably likes to think that she is the only cat in her humans' world :)


    1. Molly hates stray cats coming into the yard. She does her best to chase them away. And if she can't she sounds out the alarm to get her humans to chase the cats out.

  4. Beautiful cat and he no doubt knows it. I'm pretty sure ol' Molly is quite aware of ol' Silver.

    1. Could be why she's been sniffing us more. hahaha

  5. Sometimes it's best not to know who else your persons have been floozying around with. :)

  6. It’s good Molly doesn’t know but glad you help out this cutie

    1. We don't help Silver, other than pet him when we see him. He's living a good life on our friends' ranch. All those yummy rodents.


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