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Glue Time!

I now own a mini glue gun! And a whole lot of glue sticks. Whoooo-hoooo!

I've never had a glue gun before. In fact, I have never used one.  Heee-heee.

This morning, The Husband and I went to the new hardware store in the town next door to buy a solution for buffing up brass things. The store had nothing on hand. Being a small shop in a small town, I expected not to find anything appropriate.

I also didn't expect to purchase a mini glue gun. It was $5.49. Cheap, I thought. Please don't tell me otherwise.

The Husband asked me, "What are you going to use it for?"

Chissa? Who knows?  Maybe I'll glue cows to the ground. Just kidding.

Vedremo. We shall see.  

I'm connecting with Our World Tuesday. Here's the link. Thank you, OWT administrators.  Ciao.


  1. I used one with crafts in school, never outside of school

    1. I almost want supervision when first I use the glue gun. Thank goodness for Google and Youtube.

  2. I still don’t own a glue gun but I might get inspired by what you create. I will love to see cows glued down:)

    1. I saw a video about applying glue to paintings for texture. I'm going to experiment on plates.

  3. I'm sure you can find something to use it for. Go onto Pinterest and search glue gun projects. With Halloween not too far away, I'm sure you can find something to glue together.

    1. Thanks for the suggestion, Liz. I had no idea of all the things you can do with glue besides it's usual purpose. Funnnnn!

  4. Looking forward to your adventures with your new acquisition!

  5. A glue gun I agree, is one of those objects that gives an inordinate amount of pleasure. You will have a massive grin on your face when something needs sticking at your place!
    Wren x

    1. I can hardly wait to try out my gun. I need to finish 2 small projects before I can play with it.

  6. Ha Ha! I don't want those calves glued down. Let them jump! My grandson has a glue gun. He makes costumes out of cardboard boxes.

    1. I'm with you. The calves can jump and soar however much they want. I'm in awe of your grandson. Why do I suddenly want to glue pink felt scallops to a box?

  7. Great to experiment with new craft ideas!

    1. This afternoon I helped a friend's grandson create a magical volcano. It was so fun.

  8. Once you get the hang of it, there'll be no stopping you! :)

  9. YouTube? Or just let your creativity move you! i'm not crafty. Anything for $5 and change sounds like a good price.

    1. That's what I said, and I happened to have a ten dollar go-wild bill in my pocket.

  10. Oh, i just noticed the picture on your school paper. LOL! Glue some grass under those calves. Send it to your old teacher. She gave you an A but had to find something to complain about. Boo.

    1. hahaha, I love that idea, Sallie. This was one of several teacher comments on my art that caused me to be very meek and insecure during art period. I still am scared just before I start any kind of physical creative thing.

  11. It's one of those things I have, but hardly ever use anymore. I also wonder what you will be using it for. Love the picture on your school paper and the note. They are happy calves, they don't need to touch the ground. Silly teacher :)


    1. Thank you, Soma. After all these years I realize that I was not wrong for drawing calves in the air. Knowing that, I need to let go and create to my heart's content.


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