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Hop, Skip Sunday

Have I already told you that I'm starting to think maybe going on 65 is as fun as going on 5?

Oh, my, just think how I shall feel when I turn 65 at the end of the year.

Hello Medicare!

Thank you, yes, I will take that senior discount honoring those of us who made it to 65 years old and over.

And, that's not even talking about the joyful feeling of letting go of yet another unnecessary responsibility. Ahhh.

Yesterday, the Husband and I enjoyed a lovely summer day hanging out with friends under redwood trees. Not only did we breathe in fresh filtered air (thank you, Redwood trees!) but also floated in the warmth and love of long-time friendships.

Our friends are an amazing simpatico blend of the Husband's and my friends from our college and work days and their spouses and friends. We come from all points of the regions. At least once a year we plan some kind of adventure, usually a walk then lunch, and who ever can come, comes.  Whenever we get together, everyone gets to know everyone else a little bit more.

Some of us jokingly call us the Young Old Fogeys. If fits a fun, colorful, and cheerful group of senior-citizens-in training, don't you think? 

Have I told you this already? Oh, well forgive this young old fogey. :-)

Today I'm linking up with All Seasons, a weekly meme hosted by Jesh at Artworks from Jesh St.G. Click here to check out Jesh. For the participants list, click here. Thanks, Jesh!


  1. What a nice reason to get together.

    1. Just because is a perfect reason, I think, too. :-)

  2. One day, I hope everyone gets Medicare at all ages. It's ludicrous that this country has bent to the corporate death industry for too long to ignore it.

    1. I'm with you, Adam. Universal healthcare. The insurance companies, investors, and whoever must be greedy rich still get more than their share of money.

  3. It's great that you keep in touch with friends from so long ago, your get-togethers sound lovely :)

  4. Happy days! Wishing you much joy, creativity and healthfulness!

    1. Thank you, Forest Dream Weaver. The same to you. :-)

  5. I'm sure the redwoods enjoyed your company too. :)

    1. Oh my gosh, Widders, the trees were gorgeous. It had been a long time since I've been in a redwood forest that I was literally (correct use I believe) struck dumb by this one's beauty.

  6. I would love to be in those redwood trees. I saw only one on my travels into the Rockies. Funny, I was just thinking that I have 11 more years before I get to retire.. I’m glad you are only 5 and enjoying being together with your friends at recess.

    1. Recess -- that's exactly what I thought at one point. We went from recess to lunch without having any classes in between. haha

  7. What a beautiful setting for a get together!

  8. There are definite advantages to being 65...mostly, that you really don't care much what people think! That's quite like being 5, I think :)

    1. Yup, Betty. The confidence of enjoying my life as is. :-)

  9. um, could I join you? I am in need of friends like that.

  10. Just because is the perfect reason for a get-together I think.


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