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An Easy Sunday Morning

Molly the Cat walked out of the office just now. My taking photos of her while sleeping annoyed her. The camera has a loud beep when it turns on. That's how she knew.

The Girl got me up a few minutes after sunrise. I knew this because I'd stumbled back to bed after a visit to the bathroom. The morning already felt hot so there was no instant getting back to snoozeville. I almost got there when Molly gave out a roar downstairs. I chose to ignore it as well as her next roar.


Crash! Then a tinkle of something broken.

Sigh. The Husband of course was oblivious to Molly's noises.

I found the something broken in the kitchen sink. It was the yellow porcelain crocus that sat in a cup on the kitchen window ledge. Two of its petals broke off. I stuck the crocus back into the cup and placed the petals on the saucer. Still looks good.

Molly probably was tracking a squirrel running along the fence. Does she know what she would do if she ever caught one?

I still felt groggy but after opening the windows, I didn't feel like going back to bed. And, when I opened the front door and saw the inviting morning light on the bougainvillea, Molly and I went outside to explore a bit.

Three hours later, here I am on the computer, catching up with news and Facebook, and playing with words and images. The sweet snores of the Husband down the hall, along with Molly's until she walked out of the office, is the background music.  A wonderful way to start a hot Sunday morning, so I say.

Today I'm linking up with All Seasons, a weekly meme hosted by Jesh at Artworks from Jesh St.G. Click here to check out Jesh. For the participants list, click here. Thanks, Jesh!


  1. Good thing squirrels are more wily than even cats

    1. I'm glad they don't know how to unlock the door. :-)

  2. Hi! Your photo is very beautiful. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Sorry you couldn't get back to sleep. Getting awakened early annoys me no end, but if I can fall back asleep...

    1. Maybe there's something to me getting up earlier. I got up earl today, too, but only because I wanted to do some painting before I had to leave for the morning.

  4. If I wake up in the early hours, I will not go back to sleep. Lovely photos for such a rude awakening

    1. Thanks, Carol. I'm sure glad I opened the front door yesterday morning and saw the lighting. That was cool.

  5. After all, you woke up in good company. Have a nice week with Molly!

    1. You're right. I haven't seen much of Molly lately because we've been out and about more than usual.

  6. I have learned not to ignore my cats! They will get into something they should not!
    Beautiful flowers!

    Have a wonderful week!

    1. Thanks. The front has become a blend of the late Mama and me.

  7. Wait until Molly obtains her own kitty camera . . . portraits of YOU and Squirrel might be found on Molly The Cat Facebook . . . giggle.

  8. It sounds and looks like a lovely way to start a day (and I'll try to think like that next time I'm woken at some unearthly hour of the morning!)


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Thanks for the good cheer. :-)

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