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A Hysterical Thought

As some of you dear readers know, I underwent a full hysterectomy last year. For those of you who are learning for the first time, yes, I did. Snip, snip, snip, snip went the oncologist/gynecologist with the da Vinci robotic arms and pop! shusssssh! went my Fallopian tubes, ovaries, uterus, and cervix, along with cancerous cells, which nobody was really sure if they truly were there.

Yes, it overwhelms me when I think about it. My mind does really well about not thinking. My body is another story. Before telling you more, know that the doctor assured me that my reproductive system fits the size of my fist, maybe even smaller, and that within time my guts will drop and fill the space.

So, here I am just over 13 months later continually clenching my tailbone because I'm afraid my intestines will fall out.


This got me to wonder: Has anyone given birth to her guts?

Do you think I ought to ask the doctor? Giggle


  1. I don't know. Will asking the doctor alleviate your anxiety? Or will you not believe your doctor? Whatever you do, don't Google it! I'm serious. Hoaxers will make up stuff just to mess with people.

    1. The doctor will probably tell me not to worry, but then he might also tell me that some women in my situation think the same thing. I'd feel comforted knowing the latter.

  2. My mother had it a few years ago, it was robotic surgery as well.

    1. I read that about 600,000 women get hysterectomies every day. That's a mindblowing number!

  3. Not to scare you or anything but Mrs Widds had a 'prolapsed' something or other and had to have surgery to keep it in place. She had a hysterectomy when she was in her mid-twenties, (she's 68 now) and has been fairly 'taut-n-terrific' with pelvic and abdominal muscles since then ... so it's the luck of the draw.
    I wouldn't be too concerned unless you can actually feel something in your vagina that shouldn't ought'a be there.

    1. I've heard of a hysterectomy for a prolapsed uterus. I'm definitely going to ask the doctor about guts falling through. when I see him later this month.

  4. So the 'guts falling into place' was supposed to be reassuring? Let me guess, it was a male doctor? I am always in favor of asking the 'stupid question' - usually, people say to me - 'that's a good question'!!!

    1. Yup, male. Since my teen years, I've been told I ask stupid questions. That's okay. Someone has to ask them.

  5. This is really funny! But if you're really concerned I would find a doctor who would answer me seriously. I've gone through breast cancer and my doctors always sit and talk to me about whatever is on my mind. My oncologist has even pulled books off the shelf and gone over anatomy with me. Those good doctors are out there! :)

    1. Thanks, Sharon. I think I have one of the good doctors in my oncologist. He convinced me that I did want the hysterectomy after he described the cancer levels, where I was, and stated how cancer does not stay within theoretical lines, That was a mindblower.


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