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Stanley the Salsa King

"¡Hola, Señors, Señoras, y Señoritas! ¡Bienvenido!" said the colorfully dressed instructor perched on top of a very tall stool.  Welcome, One and All, to El Studio de Salsa, Samba, So Forth and So On."

The snail spoke clearly, boldly, and charmingly for all the larger animals to hear. "Me llamo Stanley, the Salsa King.  In six weeks time, you all will be dancing the salsa, samba, rumba, cha cha cha, and merengue at Thomas' and Winnie's wedding reception."

Lemon meringue pie?" Guy perked up, bringing Charlie the Camel out of his reverie to nearly stumble over the alligator. "Dude!"

Edwina the Egret sighed while Agathe the Aardvark rolled her eyes. The other animals giggled and snickered.

"You are all nervous, no?" asked Stanley the Snail.

"Yes!" his students said in unison.

"Good, good. Let us channel that nervousness. I want you all to close your eyes, listen to this Eddie Palmieri song, and simply let your body sway and stomp to the music." The Salsa King looked around the room, making eye contact first with the future bride and groom, then with each of their friends.

"Take a deep breath. Another. And, another. Ready? Let us feel the music!"

S is the theme for this week of ABC Wednesday. Check out the meme here and the list of this week's participants here. Thank you much, ABCW team!


  1. Replies
    1. Stanley makes sure to have snacks and drinks for the different animals. :-)

  2. Oh another delightful drawing and post ~ love the snail!

    Happy Week to you,
    C & Z

  3. Love the colours in the drawing. You have a cute story to go with it. - Margy

    1. Thank you, Margy! Happy colors for happy snail "feet".

  4. Now that sounds like a fun time! I can see them dance like Dancing With The Stars. Love the painting with the fabulous snail whom I am sure glitters

    1. Yup, Stanley certainly loves the glitter. Ole!

  5. How delightful!
    Salsa King rocks the dance-floor :)

  6. Cute story and illustrative…

    Have a splendid, ♥-warming ABC-Wednes-day / -week
    ♫ M e l ☺ d y ♪ (ABC-W-team)

    1. Thank you, Melody. The Husband was worried that Stanley would be crushed, but the animals are always mindful of where he is.

  7. So cute and creative!!! I've taken Salsa lessons.

    1. Thanks, Ann. I love to dance to salsa music even though I've never learned the steps. I'm like the animals, I sway and stomp to the music.

  8. I LOVE that you had a salsa track, I even muted Pandora (Smokey Robinson) for that bit. Ooh, now I'm really going to get pie today. And did any of them show promise?

    1. Oooh, Smokey Robinson. He's so smooth. Edwina the Egret and Iago the Iguana had it going on. Charlie the Camel amazingly does a hot cha cha cha. Guy A. Gator ate his pie as he merengued.

  9. Swaying to the music w/Stanley . . . I KNOW it's Time to Dance!

  10. Phew-eee!!! That's some fast cha-cha. I'm all out of breath! :D

    1. Right now I'm up to 60-90 seconds of dancing before I must sit down, but I do continue to sway and stomp on the chair. :-)

    2. Heh, heh, heh ... I'm a big fan of chair-dancing too. :)

  11. I saw Eddie Palmieri in the late 1970s!

    1. Me, too! It was love at first note for me. :-)

  12. definitely would love to salsa with Stanley;; as always, fun post


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