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Jane Austen, Lizard Tamer?

"This sweet fellow simply loves to dance," said Jane Austen, Action Doll, to no one in particular. She hummed The Sussex Waltz as the couple glided up and down the wooden floor.

"He does come in handy when I do not want to dance with a chap. One look at this sweet fellow on my arm, and the chap runs away. I do not think Lizzie's Mr. Darcy would be such a coward."

My theme for this year's challenge is Jane Austen, Action Doll, Seeks a New Career.

To check out other A to Z participants, click here. To learn more about the 2018 Blogging from A to Z April Challenge, click here.


  1. Based on their relative sizes, Jane Austen is one fierce lady there.

  2. Su-Siee, looks like I have missed the A to Z Challenge posts on your blog (while I was keeping up with the ABC Wednesday ones).. so will check out the adventures of Jane towards A from here..made me smile..

  3. Another gem, Susie. Great close-up and model posing work as well. One, two, three, one, two, three. Makes me want to pick up the dusty old violin and play a waltz for them.

    1. Oooooh, Jane and I can hear a waltz a la the violin.

  4. what an entertaining and surreal approach to the challenge.
    a-z visit

    1. Thank you, Zannie by the sea. "Surreal approach" has me smiling big time.

  5. Thanks for your comment on my A-Z Fluevogs (shoes), because otherwise I would not have discovered this wonderful A-Z of yours! Love it!

  6. For a minute there I though Messr Lizard was chomping upon our heroine's person! :)

    1. Jane dawned a special perfume to keep Messr Lizard at bay.

  7. I wonder if he knows the Tango

  8. Such a tricky scene to pull off! Kudos!


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